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July News

Hello and Welcome!  Firstly I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our new families that have recently joined us here at Jellybeans. We certainly hope that you enjoy your time with us and make wonderful memories that you will reminisce about in the years to come.   So we there are some exciting things happening around the Centre, we are in the process of revamping the rooms...

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June News

Welcome to our June News!  Hello and welcome to our latest edition of Jellybean News! We would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our new families that have joined us over the past few weeks. We certainly hope that you enjoy your time here at Jellybeans.  The Centre Photo Session was a huge success, the photos should be available to purchase over the coming weeks. Please keep an eye...

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Photo Day

Photo Day 2019  Don't forget this coming Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th June is Photo Day! The Photographer will be here from 8am on both days, so if you have school age siblings and would like their photos taken please feel free to pop in. The photos will be available for you to view within the coming weeks. If you have any questions please feel free to come and have a chat. 

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January News

Welcome  Hello and welcome to our first Newsletter for 2019! We are certainly looking forward to a fun packed year creating wonderful new memories with all of our families. Over the past few weeks we have said a sad farewell to our Pre-school children who have departed Jellybeans on their next big adventure with Prep. Although we will miss them immensely we certainly wish them all the very be...

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December News

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year From everyone here at Jellybeans Child Care Centre we would like to take the opportunity to wish each and everyone of you a very Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year. We certainly hope that Santa treats you all exceptionally well. A big thank you to all of our families that have surprised the Educators with wonderful gifts this festive season. We ...

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  1476 Hits

November News

Welcome to our November Edition of News! ​Wow! Who can believe that December the festive season is just a few weeks away and we will all be celebrating the festivities of Christmas. As I sit here writing this newsletter I'm questioning where 2018 has gone! I feel as though some of the year has past in the blink of an eye.  It feels like just yesterday that my Harry had his fina...

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Halloween Dress Up Day!  Come and celebrate Halloween with the Jellybean Crew. On Wednesday the 31st October we will be celebrating Halloween so come dressed in your scariest costume and bring a plate of scary food to share. We are looking forward to seeing everyone all dressed up!

  1191 Hits

Family Portraits

Family Portraits  Are you keen to get an updated Family Portrait? Well Jellybean Childcare Centre can certainly help you with this. We have a professional photographer booked for Saturday the 24th of November. For $15 you will receive a Framed Portrait of your Family. Grandparents are more than welcome to come along and have their photo taken with their Grandchildren as well. If you are keen ...

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  1857 Hits

October News

Hello! Welcome to our latest edition of Jellybean News! We would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our new families that have recently joined us. We certainly hope that you enjoy your time here with us. Last week we enjoyed our Pre-School Pint Sized Picasso. A big thank you must be extended to the Room Educators for their on going commitment in making this event the success it is. ...

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September News

Welcome to September News   Welcome to our first edition of news for Spring. How fast is this year passing us by. We have  a few events coming up especially for our Pre-school children so please keep an eye out for notices on the room door.  I would like to take this opportunity to remind our families to take caution while using the Centre Car park. Firstly please observe ...

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  1430 Hits

August News

Welcome!  Hello and welcome to our August edition of Jellybean News! We have certainly had a fun few weeks here at the Centre. We would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our new families that have recently joined us, we hope that you enjoy your time here. As most of you are aware the Centre has limited places available and sometimes we may not be able to offer extra days. In the event t...

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  1457 Hits

Fiver for a Farmer Week!

​As most of you are aware there is a real crisis with our drought stricken farmers at present and some are in dire needs. As part of our community involvement Jellybeans would like to participate in the following worthy cause: Fiver for a Farmer Appeal! This cause is being held on Monday 13th August 2018 however as we would like all of our children to have the opportunity to participate we wi...

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Date Night

Are you looking for a few hours for yourself this Friday night? Well Jellybeans has the solution to the never ending task of finding someone to look after your cherubs. This Friday night is our very first date night between 7pm and 10pm. All of the proceeds raised will be donated to the Farmers in need. Please contact Cindy at the Centre on 3279 9855 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further i...

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  1288 Hits

July News

Welcome to our July Edition of Jellybean News  Wow haven't the last few weeks been super busy with the transition to CCS! I would like to extend a big thank you to you all for your time and patience while we made the transition. We still have a few families that have not yet completed the required documentation but we are hoping to have this sorted very shortly. If you have any concerns with ...

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  1388 Hits

June News

Welcome to our June Newsletter   Welcome to the latest edition of Jellybean News. One must ask where has this year gone? Firstly I would like to thank everyone for their prompt reply with the Childcare Subsidy Letters, hopefully the outstanding letters will come in over the coming days. If you have not yet received your letter please check your MyGov account. With the financial year ...

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  1684 Hits

May Newsletter

Welcome to our latest edition of Jellybean News! ​Firstly lets extend a warm welcome to all of our new families that have recently joined us, we certainly hope that you enjoy your time here at the Centre. We can certainly tell the seasons are changing especially with the change in the weather and the shorter daylight hours. Where is 2018 going? I would just like to remind everyone that if your Dir...

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  1932 Hits

April News

Welcome to our April Edition of Jellybean News! ​Hello and welcome to our newsletter for April. One will soon start asking where has this year gone. Over the past few weeks we have had a few new families join our Jellybean Family. We certainly hope that you guys enjoy your time here with us. Please remember to check out our Centre Facebook Page for random updates and exciting things your child has...

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  1472 Hits

March News

Hello and welcome to our March Edition of Jellybean News! Who can believe that we are already in March? Autumn has now started to settle in with slightly cooler nights. Over the past few weeks we have welcomed a few new families to the Jellybean clan. We hope that you guys enjoy your time here. For our new families and those that are not aware we have a Centre only Facebook Page for families ...

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  3752 Hits

Healthy Mouth Day

Dentist Visit On the 1st and 3rd of May 2018 Metro South Health will attend the Centre to complete Dental Hygiene and Health Checks on the children in the Pre-School Room. As the date approaches Permission Forms and an Information Pamphlet will be sent home. In the past this has proven to be a huge success as it assists with early intervention with Oral Health Care. If you have any questions pleas...

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  1324 Hits

Half Price Storage

Exciting News! Recently we have formed an advertising partnership with Storage King at Durack. Our first special that is strictly open to our Jellybean Families is as follows:                                                                 ...

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