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July News!

Welcome to our July Newsletter! Who can believe we are at the end of July already; Tax returns are being prepared and CCS has updated! For those of you that still have concerns with your CCS, please contact Centrelink.  Just a quick reminder about Centre Safety - Please do not allow anyone inside the Centre that you are unfamiliar with. We have a Doorbell that visitors can use to get an Educa...

  548 Hits

June News!

Welcome! Hello and welcome to our latest edition of Jellybean News! The mornings are certainly a little bit chillier at the moment, bring back the warmer mornings I say! We would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our new families that have joined over the past few weeks, we hope that you are all settling in well and making wonderful new memories here at Jellybeans!   As you can see...

  949 Hits

May Newsletter!

Hello and Welcome! Welcome to our May Edition of Jellybean News! It feels like just yesterday we were sending out our April Edition of Jellybean News!  Over the past few weeks, we have welcomed some new faces to our Jellybean Family, we hope that you all enjoy your time here with us at Jellybeans - Welcome to our Jellybean Family! Did you guys know that Miss Cristina has returned from Materni...

  1354 Hits

April News!

Welcome to Jellybeans!  Omg! Where has April gone? It's hard to believe Easter has been and gone and we are about to celebrate Mother's Day! To all of our new friends and families that have recently joined us, we hope that you all enjoy your time here at Jellybeans.  Exciting news! Miss Cristina is returning to Jellybeans next week! We are all looking forward to seeing her and welcoming ...

  827 Hits

March News!

Welcome! Welcome to our March Edition of Jellybean News! Who can believe that Easter is just next week! Let's celebrate the Easter Festivities with an Easter Morning Tea - Please bring a plate to share! Miss Cindy will set up the Easter Table in the foyer for our Families and Educators to help themselves to, our way of saying Happy Easter!  Just a quick note that if you are sending someone th...

  770 Hits

February News!

Welcome! Welcome to the latest edition of Jellybean News! We are basically in our final week of February, two months into the start of the new year. A huge warm welcome to our new Families that have recently joined us, we certainly hope that you enjoy your time with us.  What better way to introduce the Children to the world of Cooking than by making our very own Pancake's, for National Panca...

  706 Hits

January News!

Welcome to Jellybeans! Welcome to our very first Newsletter of the year! Who can believe it is the final day of January already! We hope that you all had a bright and festive Christmas and a wonderful New Year!  To all of our New Families that are starting with us in 2023, we hope that you enjoy your time with us! Welcome to Jellybeans!  Happy New Year to all of our Families that recentl...

  658 Hits

December News!

Merry Christmas! Welcome to our Final Edition of Jellybean News for 2022!  As this is our Final Newsletter for 2022 we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Bright and Wonderful New Year! 2022 has seen a few face changes around Jellybeans and I'm sure 2023 will as well! Just a quick reminder that we are closed on the following dates: Monday - 26th, Tuesday 27th December...

  878 Hits

November News!

Welcome! Welcome to the latest edition of Jellybean News! We hope that everyone has been keeping cool and dry of late especially with the unpredictable weather we have been experiencing. To all of our New Family and Friends that have recently joined our Jellybean Family, we certainly hope that you enjoy your time with us making extra special memories that you will look back on in the years to come...

  664 Hits

September News!

Welcome!  Spring is finally here; the days are starting to warm up and the Sun is up when Miss Cindy arrives in the morning! It's funny to say just last week I was arriving in the dark with the carpark lit up like a Christmas Tree and this week I'm surrounded by daylight!  I not complaining to say the least.   We are halfway through September, sadly the year is ending. This mea...

  731 Hits

August News!

Hello! Hello and welcome to our latest edition of Jellybean News! For those of you that have recently joined our Jellybean Family, we would like to extend a warm welcome to you all and we hope that you enjoy your time here at the Centre!   Photo Day has been and gone, we hope to have the Photos back early next week! For those of you that have paid for your photos we will let you kno...

  704 Hits

July News!

July News at Jellybeans!  Hello and welcome to another addition of  Jellybeans News! We hope that everyone is keeping warm and snug during this frosty period.  Winter doesn't restrict our Outdoor Play so please keep in mind that even though it is cool we still go outdoors during the cooler months - Lets keep the little ones warm and cosey - Please bring a jumper each day you co...

  772 Hits

June News!

Hello and Welcome!  Well who can believe it is the end of the Financial Year already - Tax Time! One could certainly ask where the year has gone! A huge welcome to all of our new Families that have become part of the Jellybeans Family in the last few weeks, we certainly hope that you enjoy your time with us. In the event your child is not coming in on their booked day of attendance, could you...

  789 Hits

May Newsletter

Welcome! Welcome to our latest edition of Jellybean News! We hope that you have all been keeping well and are just as excited as us about seeing the beautiful blue skies! Our gardens have certainly loved the wet weather however the sun has been long overdue. I have noticed that the vegetable garden has become quiet healthy with an abundance of herbs and vegetables, please feel free to help yoursel...

  854 Hits

April News!

Hello and Welcome!  Hello and welcome to our latest edition of Jellybean News! The month of April has certainly flown by, who can believe we are nearly at the end of those 4 day working weeks! No more long weekends until October.  Are you aware that Jellybeans has a Centre Facebook Page? We encourage all our Family and Friends to follow this page to see highlights of the Centre.&nbs...

  917 Hits

March News!

Hello!  Welcome to our latest edition of Jellybean News! Firstly lets extend a very warm welcome to all of our new families that have recently joined us and those families that have returned with younger siblings. We hope that you all have an enjoyable time here with us at Jellybeans.  How spectacular do our Educators and Children look all dressed up in their Traditional Attire! As you c...

  796 Hits

February News!

Welcome to our February News!  A big hello to all of our New Families who have recently joined us! We hope that you have a wonderful time here at Jellybeans!  Wow what a way to start the year, first we have all endured the follow on from Covid, now the disaster with the Floods and the events occurring in Ukraine. Our thoughts are with each and everyone of you that has been affected by an...

  751 Hits

January News!

G'Day and Welcome to Jellybeans!  @media print { .ms-editor-squiggler { display:none !important; } } .ms-editor-squiggler { all: initial; display: block !important; height: 0px !important; width: 0px !important; } @media print { .ms-editor-squiggler { display:none !important; } } .ms-editor-squiggler { all: initial; display: block !important; height: 0px !important; width: 0px !important; } @...

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December News!

Merry Christmas!    Firstly I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our families a very Merry Christmas! We hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas celebrating with Friends and Family! 2021 has certainly brought about many changes in how we go about our daily lives, so we are certainly hoping that 2022 brings lots of love and cheer to our lives. Last Saturday ...

  1023 Hits

November News!

Hello to all of our Jellybean Friends and Family! Welcome to the latest edition of Jellybean News! Firstly lets extend a warm welcome to our new families that have recently joined the Jellybean Family, we hope that you guys enjoy your time with us! Just a few things I need to chase up: Children's End of Year Party - Have you handed in your RSVP? Booking Forms for 2022 - Have you returned your...

  876 Hits