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May Newsletter

 Welcome to the MAY edition of our monthly Newsletter and welcome to our new families! We hope that you are settling into centre life, if there is anything we can do take make your stay with us more enjoyable, please let us know! Remember to like us on Facebook. This will help you keep up to date with centre events. Reminder:  Centre Photos are on the 25th & 26th of May between 8am -...

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  656 Hits

April News

News from the Office We would like to extend a warm welcome to our new families that have recently joined us. Thank you for choosing to join our community. We trust that we will keep moving forward in a positive direction for another wonderful year. We had an amazing Easter Bonnet parade in which all of the children looked wonderful in their Easter bonnets they had created in the weeks and da...

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  710 Hits

March Newsletter

 Daisy Hill ELC would like to respectfully acknowledge the Yugambeh people, the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we live. We also recognise those whose ongoing effort to protect and promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures will leave a lasting legacy for future Elders and leaders.  Welcome to another GREAT month. Firstly, we would like to extend a warm welcome ...

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Easter Bonnet Parade

Date and Time: 6th April @ 9.45am Location: 155 Chatswood Road (The Centre)  What to bring: Please bring along a plate of food to share for Morning Tea.  Everyone is welcome to attend – friends and family.  Looking forward to seeing you all there 

  778 Hits

February News

 Daisy Hill ELC would like to respectfully acknowledge the Yugambeh people, the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we live. We also recognise those whose ongoing effort to protect and promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures will leave a lasting legacy for future Elders and leaders.  Welcome Welcome Welcome! We are so happy to welcome all of our new Daisy Hill EL...

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  594 Hits

January News

  Daisy Hill ELC would like to respectfully acknowledge the Yugambeh people, the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we live. We also recognise those whose ongoing effort to protect and promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures will leave a lasting legacy for future Elders and leaders.  Welcome to the first edition of Daisy Hill ELC news for 2023! We are so excited to w...

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  576 Hits

October News

 Active play for young children: Young children learn by doing, and "active play" includes both structured and unstructured activities. If there's been rain and children play and jump in the puddles, that's unstructured play. Later, when the weather warms a bit, they find that the water has become sticky, and they can create MUD PIES. Structured play is when an adult creates a stimulating env...

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  842 Hits

September News

 Toddler TIME! Hi there and WELCOME to our new friends! We feel it's important to take the time to reflect on the learning that has taken place recently. This process allows educators to recognise the achievements of the children and themselves while providing valuable information for future planning. We have been focusing on children being independent, teaching them self-help skills. The chi...

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  646 Hits

August News

Our current centre focus is on Quality Area 5. (National Quality Standards) RELATIONSHIPS WITH CHILDREN Good relationships early in life help children to connect with others, build positive friendships and support children to self-regulate their emotions. Research shows relationships are central to children developing acceptance, self-esteem and higher functioning thinking skills that contribute t...

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  647 Hits

July News

 Nursery News Welcome to our new little friends! We are so lucky to share in the journey of all of our beautiful children but there is something extra special when they are so little! The time spent together has built such strong and beautiful connections with the children.  Older children have started their transition to toddlers, We will continue to help the childre...

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  700 Hits

June News

 Welcome to the June edition of our monthly Newsletter and welcome to our new families! We hope that you are settling into centre life, if there is anything we can do to make your stay with us more enjoyable, please let us know! Remember to like us on Facebook. This will help you keep up to date with centre events.  Transitions:Transitions are taking place throughout the centre for some ...

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  638 Hits

May News

 News from the Office.....  Welcome to the MAY edition of our monthly Newsletter and welcome to our new families! We hope that you are settling into centre life, if there is anything we can do take make your stay with us more enjoyable, please let us know! Remember to like us on Facebook. This will help you keep up If you have any hidden talents and would like to come and share yourself ...

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  754 Hits

April News

News from the OfficeHappy Easter and Welcome! We would like to extend a warm welcome to our new families that have recently joined us. Thank you for choosing to join our community. We trust that we will keep moving forward in a positive direction for another wonderful year.  Have your Say We need your feedback!....we want to hear it. The only way we can make our service strong is to ensu...

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  686 Hits

March News

Daisy Hill ELC would like to respectfully acknowledge the Yugambeh people, the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we live. We also recognise those whose ongoing effort to protect and promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures will leave a lasting legacy for future Elders and leaders.   Welcome to another month. Firstly, we would like to extend a warm welcome to our new ...

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  756 Hits

February News

Daisy Hill ELC would like to respectfully acknowledge the Yugambeh people, the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we live. We also recognise those whose ongoing effort to protect and promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures will leave a lasting legacy for future Elders and leaders.   Are you linked up with EDUCA yet? Hopefully so, but if not, please see your child's t...

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  809 Hits

January News

 Daisy Hill ELC would like to respectfully acknowledge the Yugambeh people, the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we live. We also recognise those whose ongoing effort to protect and promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures will leave a lasting legacy for future Elders and leaders.  Welcome to the first edition of Daisy Hill ELC news for 2022! We are so excited to we...

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December News

 Dear Families, It's hard to believe the festive season is upon us with only a week to go until the big man arrives!  The children have really enjoyed taking part in creating beautiful Christmas craft and singing Christmas songs.  We have also had frequent visits from our Elf on the Shelf "Elfie"... even has been reporting back to Santa how well behaved the children of Dai...

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  763 Hits

Centre Christmas Party

Our Centre Christmas party for the children will be held in centre hours next Wednesday the 15th of December @ 2.30pm. If it is not your child's enrolled day, you are more than welcome to come in and watch the show with your child.   We are looking forward to seeing you all then!  Merry Christmas

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November News

 News from the Office... I am finding it hard to believe that we are already in November and the end of the year is so near. It has been such a beautiful time and we start to get nostalgic nearing the end of the year as it is the time in which our children begin preparation for the next path in their Early years Journey and especially our Kindergarten children who will all leave us next year ...

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  777 Hits

October News

 News from the Office What beautiful weather we have been having! The children have been enjoying extended outdoor play in the afternoons with the sunshine hanging around to keep us warmer for longer. Please ensure that your little one has sunscreen on (located in the foyer @ the Sunscreen Station) before they join their peers in the morning.   A few reminders:- Please remember...

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  903 Hits