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Leanne has worked in Child Care for 18 years, after completing her Advanced Diploma, and working as a Group leader for 6 years, she wanted to make a bigger difference to the community and became a Centre Manager. Leanne has been at Underwood Early Learning Centre for the last 10 Years. Leanne enjoys being a part of a dynamic team and helping parents nurture the best out of their little ones. 

Covid-19 Update

This is the latest information in regard to the 3 day lock down that will start in Brisbane, Ipswich, Moreton Bay, Logan and Redlands from the office of Early Childhood  Education and Care. Please call or email the centre on 3341 6063 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you will not be attending the centre during these days.  COVID-19 update: 29 March 2021 The health, safety and welfa...

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Sickness and Care

Download PDF File Here Download PDF File Here  Helping to stop the spread of germs. This time last year we all had a better understanding the importance of staying home when sick. I would like to remind everyone this is still relevant in 2021. Please remember to wash hands on arrival and departure each day. Each policy is attached for you to read  Taken from our Heath and Hygiene Policy,...

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March News

Welcome to Underwood  ELC monthly newsletter.  First off I would like to welcome our new families to the centre, I hope this is the start of a very long partnership to help educate your little treasures.  We have now provided new centre hats to all children.  Each child has a hat pocket with their name outside their room.  We have had a few good crops f...

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From the Office

Welcome to our February news letter. This year has well and truly started with a lots of new friends joining us at the centre. For all of our new families a big welcome and we hope you and your children will grow and learn over the years they spend with us. If you are unsure of anything please do not hesitate to ask one of the educators  or myself, we are more than happy t...

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Book Club 2021

Attention Parents  Book Club 2021 has now started. Click in the PDF to place an order or brows the books on offer. Orders are due back on Friday the 19th February. 

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Kindergarten Graduation

Kindergarten Class of 2020  Graduation will be held on Thursday 14th January at Underwood Early Learning Centre, starting at 4.30pm. At this point to be covid safe we are only allowing parents and siblings to attend. Please RSVP if you're attending or not to Leanne by the 11th January. 

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January News

Download PDF File Here  Welcome to 2021! what an exciting year we have in stall here at Underwood.   Our new Menu from Kids Gourmet Foods started on Monday the 4th and the children are loving the food.  With the new catering we have updated our food safety program through the Logan City council. What this means for you - we can no longer accept bottles of cows milk or babies bo...

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December Newsletter

Welcome to the last newsletter for 2020, Well what a year we have had! I would like to first of all thank each and everyone of our families and the community for supporting us this year and keeping us all safe. I feel that you have all done your absolute best in keeping your children home when they have been sick this year and it has helped.  Christmas eve the centre will be closing at 6...

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Kindergarten 2021

A friendly reminder that our Kindergarten 2021 information night is tonight, starting at 4.30pm this information session is for the parents whose children are starting in our Kindergarten room in 2021. This is a great opportunity to meet Miss Joann our Kindergarten teacher, be informed what your child will be learning throughout the year. We hope to be able to answer your questions in re...

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Christmas Photos

Exciting news the Christmas Photos are back! Pick up from the office  

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Graduation Photos

Exciting news Graduation Photos are back ! Pick them up from the office.  

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November News

Download PDF File Here  A big welcome to our new families and welcome to November news letter.  We have a few events coming up in the next couple of months.  First off, we are holding a Kindergarten 2021 information afternoon, this is for the children that will be moving up to the Kindergarten room in 2021. This session is for you to meet our teacher Joann, she will let you kno...

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Book Club

Book Club issue 8 is now available on line follow the link to look at the books and place an order.  All books ordered Underwood Early Learning Centre receives points to use towards purchasing new books  

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Swishh is back

Courtney will be back to do hair cuts this Friday 30th October. email or call to let me know if you would like your child's hair done please 

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October Newsletter

Welcome to another newsletter. As the year comes to an end we are looking  forward to our end of year concert, this year will be a bit different than pervious years due to Covid-19. We are hoping to take video of the children singing their chosen songs and then sending these to family. If anyone has any experience in this area we would be grateful for any help you can offer. We will...

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Christmas Photos

Its that time of year again ! If you would like Christmas photos of your child our photographer will be here on Monday the 9th November between 7am and 9am please order via the link below

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Graduation Photos

Its that  time of year again! Graduation Photos for the Kindergarten room will be done on Monday the 9th November. If you would like your child to have photos taken please follow the link below If your child does not attend on a Monday you are welcome to visit the ce...

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September News from the Office

Download PDF File Here Spring is here, and it's so nice to spend time outside in the playground now the weather is warming up. Our water pump on the river bed and the mud kitchen are now turned on so remember to pack extra clothes each day for your child.  School Holidays will be from Monday 21st September, school starts back on Tuesday 6th October.  Monday 5th October is a Public H...

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Book Club

Issue 6 of Book Club is out now, follow the link to order some great books for you children. You can order and pay on line or fill in the order form in the book club catalogue at the office. orders are due back by Friday 4th September 

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Ekka Holiday

 Just a friendly reminder that Underwood Early Learning Centre will be closed tomorrow Friday the 14th August, for the Ekka show holiday. We will be open again on Monday morning. Have a good long weekend everyone and enjoy some family time together. 

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