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Leanne has worked in Child Care for 18 years, after completing her Advanced Diploma, and working as a Group leader for 6 years, she wanted to make a bigger difference to the community and became a Centre Manager. Leanne has been at Underwood Early Learning Centre for the last 10 Years. Leanne enjoys being a part of a dynamic team and helping parents nurture the best out of their little ones. 

Photo day

Photo day is Thursday 1st June. Class photo times are  Nursery 9am  Toddlers 9.30am  Junior kindy 10am  Pre Kindy 10.30am  Kindergarten 11am Please scan QR code to order your photos before the day. 

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Kindergarten Excursion

A friendly reminder, that the Kindergarten children will be going on their excursion tomorrow Wednesday 24th May.  Please have your child at care by 9am, so they can have morning tea before they leave. Children must have closed in shoes a hat and drink bottle named.   

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May Newsletter

School Photos Enter some description here... Download PDF File Here Welcome to our May newsletter, as the weather is cooling down please remember to dress your child in layers. The mornings and afternoons are cool but during the day and in the rooms it is warm during the day. Also remember to ...

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Class Photo Day

School Photos Enter some description here...  Class photo day is just around the corner, Thursday 1st June and it's never been easier to order. Just follow the link to order online. Or see the poster in the foyer or your child's classroom.  Class photos will be at the following ...

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Mother's Day

Download PDF File Here This year we would like to invite all our mothers and grandmothers to a morning of fun, join your child/ grandchild in their classroom to explore fun activities together. Starting at 10.30am till 11.30 on Friday 12th May.  

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April Newsletter

Welcome to our monthly newsletter, I would like to start by saying thank you to all our families that come along to the Easter bonnet parade. Even though it was a bit chaotic the children had fun. Also congrats to the winners of the Easter raffles well done I hope you enjoyed them.   Fun Smiles  Fun smiles dental van will be visiting on Thursday 20th April. Parents that si...

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Easter Bonnet Parade

Don't forget our Easter bonnet parade on Thursday 6th April starting at 10am sharp, all family welcome. Also get your tickets in our easter raffle $1 a ticket, there are 6 wonderful prizes you could win.   Underwood will be closed on Friday 6th April and Monday 10th April for Easter. Will will be back open on Tuesday.  Leanne will be on annual leave from the 3rd to the 10th April, M...

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March News

 Welcome to Underwood ELC monthly newsletter.  Fun Smiles dental program is happening again, I have sent all families an email with the details, the link to fill in the form online. I also have hard copies in the office if you would like to fill that in instead. Once the dentist has all of the children's forms, they will work out what date to visit the centre.  Extra curri...

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February News

Welcome to our monthly news letter. Through this newsletter we aim to keep you up to date with what is happening in the centre.  First off, welcome to our new families.  I hope this will be the beginning of a long and enriching journey for your child and family.  The year has well and truly started at full speed, I hope we are all getting used to the new account ting syste...

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Kindergarten Information Night

The Kindergarten staff will be holding an information night on Wednesday 15th February starting at 4.30pm. Parents of the kindergarten children are invited to attend, the aim of this evening is to meet the teachers, know what your children will be learning throughout the year.  We will also share information about the kindy funded program and what that includes. We hope you can all make ...

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January 2023 News Letter

Welcome to 2023, thank you to all our families for a great 2022, lets hope this year is as good.  To finish off 2022 a couple of things, we raised $257.70 for the year recycling cans sand bottles, thank you to everyone for your help in doing this. All money raised will be spent purchasing new toys for the children throughout the year.  Room changes  Room changes will be happeni...

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Our recycle station

This year 2022 we raised a total of $257.70 just by recycling bottles and cans. All this money goes back into purchasing toys for the centre throughout the year. If you would like to help with this in 2023 just bring your cans and bottles into the centre at drop off time, the collection baskets are in the office under the sign in kiosk for your convenance. Thank you to the families that ...

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November News

Welcome to our monthly news letter, wow how the year has flown by. By now we should all be fairly familiar with Xap and how it works, If not please feel free to contact Leanne in the office with any questions you might have.  All guardians please ensure you have added all nominees to the account so they have a kiosk code and sign in and out access, everyone on your nominees list should b...

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November News Letter

Welcome to another month at Underwood ELC,  Its been a very busy month so far...  One of the biggest changes has been Xap our new child care system. I know it can be frustrating learning a new system and all the teething problems that can accrue. If you have any question or are trying to change bookings just let me know i may be able to help, alliteratively you can call Xap sup...

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Kindergarten Graduation Photo Day

School Photos Enter some description here... Its that time of year again....... Graduation photos will be taken on Thursday 24th November 9am to 9.30am If this is not your child's booked days to attend care, we would still love them to be in the photo, just book a time on the booking shee...

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Christmas Photos

School Photos Enter some description here... Christmas is coming ... Thats exciting and we are ready to photograph the children just in time.  When Thursday 24th November 7am till 9am, if this is not your child's booked day, you can still attend. All you  need to do is ...

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October News Letter

Welcome to the Underwood monthly newsletter, and our new families to the centre.  With the end of year coming up fast, we are in the final stages of finalising the children's Christmas party. We are looking at holding it again at Lollipops at Springwood. I will send out notices as soon as I have a date booked. There will also be raffles again this year as well as a visit from Santa. &nbs...

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Prep Readiness

Prep-Readiness-Sessions-term-4-2022 317 kb Download Files  The Benevolent Society are holding  Free Prep Readiness Sessions. Check them out 

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September News Letter

Welcome to the September news letter, and welcome to our new families. Spring is here and the weather is warming up, this means more water play. The taps in the sandpit and creek bed will be turned on full time, we wont be changing children every time they get wet. We will change them if they are wet before they go inside or home, so make sure you pack clothes for your chi...

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August Newsletter

Welcome to our August newsletter, and welcome to all our new families. I want to thank Allison for looking after the front desk while I was away on holidays this month, I know she looked after you all well.  Fun Smiles  Fun Smiles dental van will be here again on Tuesday 13th September @ 8am.  Underwood ELC is currently undertaking a citizen science project about " What are my nativ...

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