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Leanne has worked in Child Care for 18 years, after completing her Advanced Diploma, and working as a Group leader for 6 years, she wanted to make a bigger difference to the community and became a Centre Manager. Leanne has been at Underwood Early Learning Centre for the last 10 Years. Leanne enjoys being a part of a dynamic team and helping parents nurture the best out of their little ones. 

Pajama Day

 Thank you to everyone who gave a donation today for The Pajama Foundation we raised $61 we have already sent this onto the foundation, allowing them to purchase educational resources for the children in care including learning activities, games, puzzles and more. If you or anyone you know would like to help the lives of foster children they can donate at the below address 

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Dental Van Visit

 Dear Families, Fun Smiles Dental Service will be visiting our centre in the coming weeks. Please find further information on the service below as well as details regarding the Government Funded Child Dental Benefits Scheme for eligible families. Fun Smiles also offer private dental checks if your child is not eligible under the Child Dental Benefits Scheme. If you would like your child to be...

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July Newsletter

Download PDF File Here Welcome to the winter news letter, well hasn't it got cold fast? Hello to our new families, this newsletter is to keep you up to date on what's going to happen through out the month.  We have a few new faces around the centre, Miss Jenny has come back to us as a full time educator now. We also have Miss Karleigh and Miss Suba back in the centre this week. ...

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Pj Day

 Our Last PJ day was so much fun, we thought why not do it again. This time we would like to raise funds for The Pyjama Foundation. When 22nd July 2022 for a gold coin donation  At The Pyjama Foundation, we provide children in foster care the opportunity to change the direction of their lives with learning, life skills and confidence. Through the Love of Learning program, volunteers...

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Hey Dee Ho Music

 We are delighted to inform you Hey Dee Ho music program will be coming to Underwood Early Learning center on Thursday the 14th of July. We commence at 10.30am and Classes are $9.50 per child. Please enroll your child using our online enrolment site found at First week will be free, looking forward to lots of fun. For all enquiries, please contact Amanda on...

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June Newsletter

Welcome to our June newsletter, Looks like the cold weather is here to stay! that means sickness. Please remember to bring spare clothes for your child in case they get wet or have an accident toileting. I have attached an interesting article about "When to send sick children home from care" by Care for Kids  When Should Sick Kids Be Sent Home from Child CareAnd what to do when the green...

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May Newsletter

Welcome families to our May newsletter. We cant believe how fast the year is going, it will be winter before we know it. As winter approaches we remind families that if your child is sick please keep them home so we can all stay well.  Covid update - as we are seeing more people contacting covid it is important to keep up to date with the new updates. You now don't have to isolate if som...

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Class Photos

It's that time of year again for Individual and class photos. Thursday June 2nd starting from 7am. If it is your child's normal booked day, all you need to do is turn up as normal and drop your child off, making sure you log on line before the day and pay for what photos you would like.  If it's not your child's booked day and you want individual photos taken you will need to put yo...

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Positive Guidance Policy and Procedure

Download PDF File Here We have had some challenging behaviour, and I thought it would be a good idea to read and review our Positive Guidance Policy and Procedure.  Let me know if you have any questions or want to have some input into this policy. 

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April Newsletter

Welcome to Underwoods Monthly Newsletter. I would like to welcome all our new families to the centre and we hope you child's education journey is long and fulfilling.  We have our Easter Bonnet Parade coming up Wednesday 13th April, starting at 10.30am. Everyone is welcome come along and have a scone made by our chef Miss Mimi. If you want to wear your easter bonnet we would love to...

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Easter Bonnet Parade

The children will be making Easter Bonnets in class to parade around the garden on Wednesday 13th April. Everyone is welcome to join us for a fun morning  

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March News

Welcome our new families and old to the monthly newsletter. I feel like we are back to some form of normal life again, with not having to wear mask now. We are asking parents to still be mindful of social distancing and sanitizing hands at drop off and pick up times.  Also, if you child has a temperature, cold and flu or any sickness to please stay home.  All the rooms are...

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February Newsletter

I hope everyone had a Happy Chinese New Year? Well the year has started and we are all settling into our new rooms. If you have any concerns with your child please see the room leader or Leanne in the office, we are here to help.  A friendly reminder to remember to sign your child/ children in and out each day. If you forget Leanne will do it for you and the next time you are in the cent...

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Book Club

 Welcome to issue 1 2022 book club. Follow the link to order books at a great price. Orders due in by 11th February Every dollar spent goes towards books for the centre.  Pick up a paper copy of issue 1 from the office  

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Room Changes 2022

The Teachers and children that are moving up to the next room, will do so on the 24th January. The names of the children moving are posted on the room doors. Here is the list of teachers.  Nursery  Miss Allison & Miss Safi  Toddlers  Miss Skye, Miss Ghania and Miss Kirston Junior Kindy  Miss Chloe, Kanako and Miss Farhanaaz  Pre Kindy  Miss Sheree  ...

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January Newsletter

Welcome to 2022! What a wild ride so far. First off I would like to let everone know we as a centre are doing all we can each and every day to keep your children safe. We are following all health advice given to us from the QLD health and metro south health unit. Below is a letter for your information  IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM QUEENSLAND HEALTH Dear parents, guardians, and staff, Metro Sout...

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December News

And just like that 2021 is coming to an end.........Welcome to the last of 2021 newsletters, I cant believe the year is nearly over!  We would like to thank all of our wonderful families for trusting us with your children's education and care this year. 2022 is shaping up to be a very busy year already, if you are thinking of adding any extra days of care for your child please do so very...

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Christmas Raffle

We will be doing a Christmas raffle again this year, that will be drawn at our Christmas party at Lollypops 10th Dec. We are asking for donations to add to the raffles. One of the major prizes is a baby doll changing station, high chair and cot. Donations can be left in the office. Tickets will be $1 each or 6 for $5 books of tickets will also be in the office you are welcome to take and...

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Children's Christmas Party

Details for the Christmas party.  Lollipops playcentre Friday 10th December  5.30pm to 7.30pm  You are welcome to bring your own food and non  alcoholic drinks, or you can purchase from the canteen on the night.  Please collect your payment envelope from your child's teacher. Payment and numbers due back by 30th November 

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November News

Wow November already, where has the year gone. We have just finished finalising classes for 2022, If you require additional days please let Leanne  know as soon as possible so you don't miss out as places are filling fast.  Due to the increased numbers of children and educators going on maternity leave we have a couple of new  educators at Underwood. We welcome Miss M...

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