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June Newsletter

Welcome to the latest edition of Jellybean News!  Wow! Who can believe it is mid June already, tax time is just around the corner! The year is passing by ever so fast. I hope that everyone is keeping well and that you have not been effected by COVID-19. We can only hope that with the recent changes life and restrictions being lifted that life will return to normal sooner rather than later.&nb...

  1052 Hits

May Newsletter

Hello and Welcome to Our Latest Edition of Jellybean News!  Firstly I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our families that have recently joined the Jellybeans Family over the past few weeks. We certainly hope that you enjoy your time with us! For those of you that have returned from your extended COVID-19 break, it's great to see you back! Life is certainly starting to return to no...

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April News

Hello and Welcome to the latest edition of Jellybean News!  Hello and welcome to the latest edition of Jellybean News! We are pleased to announce it's business as usual here at Jellybeans and we can not wait for all of our families to resume care. Over the past few weeks, we have welcomed many of your smiling faces, which is great to see. Please remember to use the hand sanitizer located...

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March News

Hello and Welcome to our March Edition of Jellybean News!   Who can believe that March is over and the Easter Bunny is just around the corner! Did I forget to mention the extra Long Weekend that is approaching real fast! Over the past few weeks Miss Margaret has been super busy with our Easter Raffle, organizing tickets and prizes. If you are extra keen for some more ticke...

  1299 Hits

February News

Welcome!  Hello and welcome to our latest edition of Jellybean News! The end of February is fast approaching, Easter will be here before we know it. To those of you that have recently joined our wonderful Centre, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your family. We certainly hope that you enjoy your time with us! Please be sure to follow the link to our Educa site so tha...

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January 2020

Welcome!  ​Hello and welcome to our first edition of Jellybean News for 2020! We hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year with your family and friends. Who can believe that we are already nearing the end of January, where has the start of the year gone? Our Pre-School children are in the final countdown before they start the next stage of their Educational journey, P...

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December News

Welcome!  ​Firstly I would like to extend some warm wishes to you all as this is our final Newsletter for 2019! From everyone at Jellybeans we would like to take the opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a bright and refreshing New Year! 2019 has brought some wonderful new memories for Jellybeans and we hope 2020 will be bigger and better. For those of you that are going away...

  1286 Hits

November News

Welcome to our latest edition of Jellybean News!   Who can possibly believe Christmas is only 5 weeks away! One must ask where has the year gone? Here at Jellybeans we have celebrated our 12th Birthday, revamped our rooms with new equipment and shelving, seen families depart and new ones enroll but most importantly we have had the pleasure of watching your little ones grow! From everyone...

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Halloween Happy Snaps!

Please enjoy a few of our Happy Snaps from our Halloween Spectacular today! It's awesome to see the Educators and children dress up, the smiles on the little ones faces are highly contagious! This is one of those days that makes our job as an Educator all that better! Happy Halloween Everyone! 

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Halloween Spectacular!   Thursday the 31st October is the day to come dressed in your Spookiest Attire and celebrate Halloween with your Friends! Please bring a plate of Spookie Food to share for Morning Tea! 

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October News

Hello and Welcome to Jellybeans Childcare News!   Wow! This year is certainly passing us by, who can believe it is almost the end of October. Christmas will be here before we know it! We would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our new families that have recently joined us, we certainly hope that you enjoy your time with us.  I would just like to remind everyone of the importan...

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Family Portraits

Family Portraits!  It's that time of the year again to refresh that Family Portrait that is hanging in the lounge room, and there's no better way than booking a Family Portrait Session with our Photographer here at Jellybeans!  Picture this Photography will be here on Saturday the 30th November 2019. The initial cost is a $15 sitting fee that is payable to the Centre when you book your t...

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September News

Welcome to September News! Hello and welcome to our latest edition of Jellybean News! For those of you that have recently joined us we hope that you have an enjoyable time here with us at the Centre. We certainly hope that Jellybeans becomes your second family. Please remember that we have an Open Door Policy and you are more than welcome to come and spend as much time here at the Centre as you wa...

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Educator Day!

Educator Day 2019!  First of all we would like to say a huge thanks to all of our wonderful families that brought something in for our amazing Educators in the spirit of Educator's Day! We sincerely appreciate the wonderful gesture and the time and dedication some of you took when organising these gifts! Special mention must be extended to Hudson's Family in Junior Kindy, the cake was ab...

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Water Donations!

Water Donations for the Granite Belt  Jellybeans has decided to get behind the small communities out West that are running out of water and we need your help! We have a pallet located in the foyer and we are hoping to fill it over the coming days with drinking water that can be donated to a small local school on the Granite Belt. Please leave your donations so we can pass your donations on!&n...

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Care Packages

Care Packages for Aussie Troops!   Good Afternoon, We are in the process of working with Bunning's at Oxley and organising Christmas Care Packages for Australian Troops that are currently overseas. For Jellybeans to be successful in supporting this event we need all of our families to be on board and help us create a few Care Packages. Imagine what we could send if each family supplied a...

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Breakfast on the Run!  We will be holding a breakfast to celebrate Father's Day with our Families on Friday the 30th August 2019 between 6.15am and 8.15am with a Breakfast on the Run! We will have various delicious snacks and coffee available for you to grab on your way in or out of the Centre. So please stop by and grab something to eat and drink. If Friday is not your usual day please ...

  1215 Hits

August News

Welcome to Our Latest Edition of Jellybean News!  Firstly lets extend a warm welcome to all of our new families that have joined us over the past few weeks. We certainly hope that you enjoy your time here at the Centre and make wonderful new memories that you will look back on in the years to come.  As most of you are aware there have been quiet a few minor changes occurring around the C...

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Prep 2020

Have You Thought About Prep in 2020?  Was your son or daughter born between 1 July 2014 and 30 June 2015, if so they will be starting Prep in 2020! Have you looked at what school your son or daughter will be attending. For those of you that live in the Grand Avenue catchment please see the attached information on their Prep Prent Information Session. If you have not made a deci...

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Immunisation Clinic

Childhood Immunisation Clinic  I have attached some information in regards to a new Drop-In Clinic that will be available in Inala from the 21st August 2019. Please see the attached information as to where the clinic will operate from plus the hours and days it will be available. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Child Health Team on 3101 4222.    Download PD...

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