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Halloween Fun!

Who Said Dress Up Day Isn't Fun! 

  879 Hits

October News!

Hello!   Hello and welcome to our latest edition of Jellybean News! We hope that you are well and are looking forward to the Long Weekend .I know our Educators certainly are! So with that said the Centre will be closed this Friday due to the Public Holiday.  Have you retuned your Booking Form for 2022? Places are filling fast so please get your forms returned ASAP.  Christmas a...

  772 Hits

September News

 Welcome to Jellybeans! Welcome to our September Edition of Jellybean News!  Wow this year is certainly flying by!   Firstly lets wish the following Educators and Children a very Happy Birthday as they all celebrated their special day during the month of September.  Sofia, Cecilia, Fatumata, Averie, Summer-Lee, Joshua, Stefan, Miss Pam and Miss Martha - Happy Birthday...

  809 Hits

August News!

Welcome to Jellybeans!   Hello and welcome to another fun filled month at Jellybeans! Well we have certainly had a bit of a crazy month with Lockdown and the implementation of masks, but as usual in true Jellybean style we have all rose to the challenge and conquered forward. A big thank you to everyone that has taken on board our two golden rules whilst at the Centre - Wearing a Mask at...

  892 Hits

July News!

Welcome to July's News!  Wow! Who can believe it's nearly the end of July already, one must ask themselves where has this year gone!  Before we know it, we will be organising our end of year events - Graduation and Christmas Parties. Do you have any suggestions with either of these events, obviously if COVID has not gone anywhere we would need to ensure it is a COVID Safe Event?  At...

  908 Hits

June News!

Welcome to Jellybean's June Newsletter!  Hello and welcome to our latest edition of Jellybean News! The year is certainly passing us by, who can believe we are about to enter July! End of financial year sales and Tax time, have you guys all completed your CCCS tasks. Please remember if you have not re-estimated for the new financial year CCS will not be paid.  Just a friendly reminder th...

  972 Hits

Main Yard Renovation

Come on down and check out our Main Playground! The renovations are now complete! The children are all going to love the new play spaces that have been designed to give them hours of fun! We are so looking forward to planting our seeds in the Sustainable Vegetable Gardens, keep an eye out in the coming weeks for the produce we grow! Miss Cindy is just finalising our Risk Assessment for this area a...

  1034 Hits

May News!

Welcome!  Wow! Who can believe the end of May is already here!  It's Birthday time at Jellybeans! May 2007 is when we first opened our doors and welcomed our very first families in. 14 years and what better way to celebrate than with our original Educators - Miss Cindy, Miss Teresa and Miss Veronica! Please join me in congratulating these amazing women on their dedication and commit...

  974 Hits

April News

Hello and Welcome to another Edition of Jellybean News!   Hello to everyone who has joined us recently, we certainly hope that you enjoy your time with us. As most of you are aware Jellybeans has had its fair share of renovations lately and we are pleased to announce the Toddler Yard is now complete, Miss Vicki should hopefully resume her role in the kitchen as of 4th May and the renovat...

  1076 Hits

March News!

Welcome to Jellybeans! Welcome to the latest edition of Jellybean News! From everyone at Jellybeans we would like to extend a warm hello to you all! Well what a way to start the month of March - our yard renovations have started. To say I am a tad excited is certainly an understatement! While everyone in Qld is praying for rain I on the other hand am praying for no rain....LOL! Baby steps is the k...

  970 Hits

February News!

Welcome!   Hello and welcome to the second edition of Jellybean News for 2021! We hope that the start of the year has started off well for you all and that 2021 is certainly everything you expected it to be. From the team at Jellybeans we would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our new families that have recently joined us, we hope that you enjoy your time here with us making memor...

  1036 Hits

January News

Welcome!  Hello and welcome to our very first Newsletter for 2021! It feels like we just only celebrated Christmas and New Year yesterday but we are actually nearly at the end of January. I certainly hope that you all had a very relaxing and fulfilling Christmas and New Year.  We would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our new families and friends that have recently joined our Jell...

  830 Hits

December News

Hello!!!  Welcome to our final Newsletter for 2020! Well 2020 has certainly brought some ups and downs for many of us and I think many of us are certainly looking forward to what the New Year brings. For us here at Jellybeans 2021 brings many exciting new adventures for us as Educators but also for our wonderful families. Stay tuned for our big announcements in 2021.  Please remember tha...

  1028 Hits

November News

Welcome!  Hello and welcome to our latest edition of Jellybean News! If you have recently joined us here at Jellybeans we would like to extend a warm welcome and we look forward to spending time with you and your family creating wonderful memories. We are finalising room changes for 2021 so if you have not yet returned your 2021 Booking Form now is the time to do this. We have quite a few new...

  1036 Hits

Spooky Days

Just another day in the lives of our Jellybean Family! Welcome to Spooky Friday!                We hope that you are all having an awesome day just like us! 

  879 Hits

October News

Hello and Welcome to October's News!  Firstly lets extend a warm hello to all of our new families that have recently joined us over the past few weeks. We certainly hope that you enjoy your time here with us at Jellybeans. Just a quick note to let you all know, the main door now has been activated for our families to come and go from the Centre as they please. Each family has been issued with...

  1184 Hits

Pirate and Princess Day 2020

Our Pirates and Princesses Have Arrived! Pirate and Princess Day has arrived! This is what our job is all about having fun, dressing up and making remarkable memories that we will look back on in many years to come! Does your work environment have days like ours? Come and spend a day with us at Jellybeans and make some awesome memories! Happy Pirate and Princess Day Everyone! 

  1224 Hits

September News

Welcome to Spring!  Hello and welcome to our Spring Edition of Jellybean News! Well the weather has certainly started to warm up again, the days are again becoming longer. COVID-19 has certainly seen many things change in the environment around us, the one thing that hasn't is our commitment to our families in keeping everyone safe. We would like to thank you all for your patience and underst...

  1062 Hits

August News!

Welcome to Jellybeans August News!  A huge shout out to everyone that has recently joined us here at the Centre! We hope that your time with us so far has been amazing and we look forward to creating special memories with you and your family.  Jellybeans has an open-door policy where we encourage our families to come and spend time with their loved ones, here at the Centre. In the past w...

  1014 Hits

July News

Welcome!  Hello and welcome to the latest edition of Jellybean News! We would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our new families that have joined us recently, we certainly hope that you all enjoy your time with us.   This is a friendly reminder about your account, in the event that your Direct Debit declines a payment will be required prior to your child attending. Please...

  1059 Hits