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April Newsletter 2022

Welcome to our April newsletter We hope everyone has had a lovely Easter break and that not too much chocolate was consumed. Our children were very involved in doing some wonderful Easter experiences in the lead up to Easter weekend. Our Easter Bonnet Parade and egg hunt was so much fun and we saw many children enjoy creating bonnets and baskets. to those of you who did these at home-what an amazi...

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March/April News

Harmony Day 2022

What a busy little centre we have been over the past 2 months. During March the children celebrated Harmony Day, they wore orange also participated in activities that involved the colour orange. The Toddler Room made a beautiful heart display using the children's art work, the Nursery also made a lovely tree display using orange hand prints as the leaves. The children were...

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March Newsletter 2022

Hello Friends and Families! Welcome to our March newsletter.  We have had a very busy month with lots of events and special days. Our first big event day was Crazy Hair Day in support of the Leukaemia Foundation. your donations raised $90 in gold coin donations which will be donated to the foundation. We saw lots of fun hairstyles and crazy colours on the day.  St Patricks Day was a...

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February News 2022

How far do you think our planes will fly?

The Children have been busy making new friendships within their new rooms & are making strong bonds with their new Educators. It is lovely to see the children are settling in. The children have been engaging in a lot of self-help skills, such as applying their own sunscreen before going outside & being responsible for their belongings (making sure that they place their belongings inside th...

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February Newsletter

 Hello to all of our wonderful families and friends. Its February and our year is off and running. First off- A big Thankyou to Miss Sarah who stepped in as Acting Director while Kelly was away on leave. She did a marvellous job along with our wonderful Cannon Hill team.  Our children are still settling into their new environments. It can be a little unsettled at the beginning ...

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January News 2022

Dear families, Welcome to 2022, what a start to the year it has been but the children & staff have managed to settle into your new rooms.   Nursery - Miss Elisa & Miss Eileen Toddlers - Miss Claudia, Miss Brooke & Miss Danielle  Early Learners - Miss Emma, Miss Ashlee & Miss Tia. Miss Ana will be the support for both the Toddlers & Early Learners. Pre K...

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January Newsletter

Happy New Year!  What a whirlwind start to the year it has been! Thank you to everyone that has been so understanding during these difficult times. For the time being we have postponed all of our extra curricular activities within the centre and limited the amount of visitors to help keep everyone safe.  As many of you know we moved into our new rooms on the 24th of January and the Educa...

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November News

November News from the Office  November has seen some very busy little children and educators as we prepare for end of year celebrations and events. The silly season vibe is in the air and our children have begun talking about the Christmas season in the classrooms. We are seeing displays in shopping centres and on television and media so this has been a major point of discussi...

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October Newsletter

From the Office   Wow! Is it really October already? The year is flying by and Christmas will be on our doorstep in no time.  This term is a very busy, exciting and emotional time for everyone as we prepare for end of year events.  We have a number of fun events coming up. November 1st: Halloween dress up Day- Come along dressed in your favourite Halloween costume. We...

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September Newsletter

 From the Office Springtime is here! Welcome to September everyone. We are seeing so many beautiful Spring plants and flowers blooming and all of this is an excellent source of discussion and conversation amongst the children. Our days are getting a lot warmer but we still have some cool mornings so a light jumper or cardigan is still a great idea for outdoor mornings and afternoons...

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August Newsletter

From The Office  What an interesting month it has been at our centre! We have experienced a few changes due to Covid lockdowns and restrictions however the children seem to be adapting very well. This is definitely due to both parents and educators explaining and informing children of what is happening in our world. Mask wearing is definitely something different for the children to be experie...

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July Newsletter

July News From the Office  Is it July already? Where has the year gone?  Our winter season is in full swing and we are enjoying the crisp fresh air that the cold weather brings to us. Outdoor experiences have been delightful in the winter sunshine and our children really benefit from the many learning opportunities that winter brings. Outdoor play in winter provides children wi...

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June Newsletter

From The Office Well here we are right in the middle of the year.  For those of you who have children in primary school, the holidays are finally here for them. If you are travelling these school holidays please stay safe and have a fabulous time! June has been all about "Pink" at the centre as we support the National Breast Cancer Foundation and help raise funds for research. We have so far ...

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May Newsletter

From the Office!  Hello everyone Its been a busy month of May and we have lots of exciting things coming up on our schedule over the next few weeks as we head into June as well.  Earlier this week our children participated in National Simultaneous Story Time from Space. This was a truly wonderful experience where the children were able to listen to a story read by Astronau...

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April Newsletter

From the Office Can you believe we are in April already? Where has the beginning of the year gone? We hope you all enjoyed your Easter break and that the school holidays were lots of fun for everyone. As you may have noticed- we are now providing Centre hats for the children in our care. These hats have all been named for each individual child and are washed at the end of the week. ...

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Mothers Day Events

Mothers Day Events 2021  Hello Families,  We are organising a few events for Mothers Day this year.  We will be holding a Mothers Day raffle. Tickets will be $2 each and this will be drawn on Friday 7th May. We are also holding our annual Mothers Day Stall for the children to purchase a gift for Mum or Grandma. We have ordered some special gifts for the stall but we would reall...

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Teddy Bears Picnic

Bring Along your furry friends!  Date: Tuesday 20th April  Join us for a teddy bears picnic at the centre Its time to bring along our favourite teddy or soft toy to share your day at kindy. Please make sure that all teddy bears are clearly named as we want to make sure they all return home with their little humans. 

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March News

From the Office Hello everyone and welcome to our March newsletter.  Welcome to all of our new families who have joined us over the past month. We hope you are settling in well to our Cannon Hill Family! This month we have welcomed two new staff members to our team- Miss Amanda and Miss Susan. Both ladies have come from an early childhood background and are keen to get to know you all. In oth...

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Centre Events this Easter Hello families,  Just a quick rundown on events for Easter this coming week.  On Monday 29th March we have the Holi-Festival of Colour show with Roushini. Our staff have been collecting permission signatures this week. If you have not signed the permission forms please see your class teacher. Just a reminder to send your little one in a white T-shirt i...

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Enter your text here ...  Next Monday 29th March is Holi-festival of Colour. We are celebrating with Roushini's Holi Celebration Show at 10am.  If you can please dress your children in a white T Shirt to experience the colour splash.  Our educators will be gathering parents signed consent for the show throughout the week. Please note that photographs will be taken on the day an...

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