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Here is some snippets the Centre's Science Week & Book Week celebrations. The children had fun experimenting in the different science experiments that the Educators set up for them. There was float or sink, a volcano, measuring different materials, the forces of magnets, how liquids can stay separate once mixed. The children also had a ball during Book Week dress up, it was great to see so man...

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  542 Hits

July Newsletter

From the Office Hello families and welcome to another edition of our newsletter.  Welcome to our new families who have joined our centre community. We hope you are all settling in well. Please do not hesitate to approach your children's educators with any questions you may have.  Story Park We are very excited to be implementing Story Park into our centre. Story Park will now r...

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June News

During the month of June the children have been busy discovering & exploring. The children wore Yellow to coincide with Reconciliation week which was from the 27th of May to the 3rd of June, during this time the children learnt about sharing the histories, cultures & achievements of all Australians.  The Toddler children used red, orange & yellow paint to&...

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May Newsletter

From the Office Welcome to our May Newsletter.  Our month has been extremely busy and there has been a hive of activity around the centre. We held our annual Mother's Day stall and afternoon tea. It was so lovely to have our mums and grand mums come into the centre and enjoy an afternoon of pampering, arts and crafts. Congratulations to our lucky door prize winners and we hope all of our...

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April Newsletter

From the Office We are well into our year. 2023 is moving forward so fast and we are now into term 2. Can you believe it? We hope you all had a wonderful Easter break. Some of our children came back with some amazing holiday stories to share and we absolutely love hearing them. Camping was very popular over the holidays as was the beach.  Coming up this term we have many exciting experiences ...

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March Newsletter

From the office  Welcome to the March edition of our newsletter.  We have welcomed some more families to our centre and we hope you are all settling into our Cannon Hill community.  We have had quite a busy past month. Thank you to everyone who participated and donated to Crazy hair day at the centre. We were able to donate the funds to the Leukemia foundation. The children all had ...

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February/March News

 Some important dates to remember:  Friday April 7th the centre will be closed. (Good Friday) Monday the 10th April the centre is closed. (Easter Monday) Tuesday the 25th April the centre is closed (ANZAC Day) For the month of February, the children settled well into their new rooms with their new Educators, having a sense of belonging as they knew where their new lockers were & also...

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Jan/Feb Newsletter 2023

Welcome to 2023 Hello everyone and welcome to our first newsletter of 2023. We have hit the ground running this year with lots of new children and families joining us. Our children are in the settling stage of the year and are learning about their new environments, peers, and educators. Your input in helping us help them is particularly important so please come to us with any ideas or strategies y...

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  735 Hits

January News 2023

Welcome to 2023 everyone.  Nursery - Miss Ana as the Lead Educator & Miss Tia as the Educator Toddlers - Miss Ashlee as the Lead Educator & Miss Brooke as the Educator Early Learners - Miss Mandi as the Lead Educator & Miss Elyssa as the Educator Pre-Kindy - Miss Krystal as the Lead Educator & Miss Mia Kindergarten - Miss Amy-Lee as the Teacher, Mr Fynn as the Educator & M...

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December Newsletter

 From the Office Well here we are in December and Christmas is literally around the corner. The children and staff are all excited to see what the holiday season brings. You may have already received your childs end of year portfolio or scrap book and we hope you are delighted with their efforts throughout the year. If you haven't received this yet-never fear our staff will have the...

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December News

Well hasn't the last 12 month flown past, before we know it the man in the big red suit will be visiting all our little people & our big Kindergarten children are getting ready for their new journey in Prep. During the month the children had visits form the Bush Tucker Man that taught the children about planting native plants & how we are able to live of the food we grow, also during the m...

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  609 Hits

October/November Newsletter

From the Office Hello to all of our families and friends and welcome to our latest newsletter. The end of the year is fast approaching and we are extremely busy in the centre organising events, portfolios, system changes and much more.   XAP:   By now you all should have all created your accounts and downloaded your app for XAP. This means you should all be signing in and ...

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  653 Hits

September News

From the office Spring is finally here and nature is sure displaying its beauty outdoors with the glorious flowering plants we are seeing everywhere. This has sparked numerous experiences and themes within the rooms and many of the children have been exploring and creating Springtime themed creations. We are also organising some new planting in our gardens to match this time of the year so stay tu...

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  674 Hits

Spring has sprung for September

 Spring has definitely sprung for September, the children have been taking advantage of the warmer weather & asking to spend more time outdoors. The children have been engaging in a lot of water play, gross motor skill activities, gardening, art & craft activities & a lot of self help skills such as applying their own sunscreen before heading outdoors.  Septemb...

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  970 Hits

July/August Newsletter

From the Office  Hello to all of our families and friends. Firstly we would like to welcome all of our new families to the centre. We hope you are all settling in well. It has been a very busy couple of months within the centre and we also have a number of exciting events coming up on the calendar as well.  The past two months have seen us celebrate State of Origin 2 and Pyjama...

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August News

Aboriginal performer Trae Trae

At the start of the month the children engaged in a performance held by Trae Trae an Aboriginal Performer who taught the children about his culture & showed the children traditional clothing & the dances they performed during different celebrations; the children thoroughly enjoyed the performance & even engaged in the traditional dance that Trae Trae showed them. The children...

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Welcome to July. Only 6 more months till Santa comes to visit & most of the Kindergarten children graduate & go off to big school :( So much has been happening in the centre. First we celebrated Naidoc Week, with the children engaging in a variety of activities, such as drawing the picture in the sand that was placed beside the tray, playing musical instruments while gathered in a yarning ...

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  750 Hits

June Newsletter

 From the Office. Winter is finally here, and didn't it turn on rather quickly? This marks for a bit of a different routine around the centre now that the weather has turned colder. We will be keeping the children inside for a little longer in the mornings and then bringing them in a little earlier in the afternoons as the light is disappearing fast on us around 5pm. We ask that all parents p...

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  789 Hits

May Newsletter

From the Office Welcome to our May Newsletter. This month has seen a lot of activities and special events within the centre We began our month with our Mother's day stall where our children were able to select a lovely present for their mums.  This was then followed by our Mothers day morning tea which saw a wonderful turn out of mums, aunts and grandmas for a lovely morning of activities tog...

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  700 Hits


Where has the year gone? Can't believe it is June next week. Please see photos of our beautiful children at the centre, showing us what they have been up to in the month of May. With the weather starting to cool down we ask that you dress your child accordingly & to please pack extra clothing just in case. A FEW FRIENDLY REMINDERS: As stated in our Policies - we ask th...

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  773 Hits