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March News2021

 March is nearly at a close, and we are now counting the sleeps until the Easter bunny arrives. What a week of weather we have just had. We have loved the sound of the rain watering our plants and vegetables, and also yesterday and today loved the beautiful sun shining, and enjoying the outside play once again. We have had a busy month in March celebrating Saint Patrick's Day and also Ha...

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February Newsletter 2021

We would like to welcome all of our beautiful new families to our centre and hope you have settled in well. We are very excited that you have joined our family and are looking forward to getting to know your family better also. Please ensure that each morning and afternoon you sign your child in and out, as well as confirming any absences on the ipad on your return. Also please do not fo...

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  930 Hits

January 2021

Happy new year everybody. Welcome back to a brand new year full of wonderful new opportunities. We wish everyone good health and happiness to you all and all your families, and a fabulous 2021. We have had a great start to the new year and firstly wanted to wish a huge welcome to all the new families whom have joined us at little darlings. Please make sure you have been signed up to EDUCA, and ple...

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  840 Hits

December 2020

With only a few more days till Christmas, everyone at Little Darlings has been very busy involved in our special Christmas week activities. A few of out outside planned activities have been postponed, however the children and staff have had a wonderful time planning many activities, with cooking and craft the two favourites. We have had many hurdles thrown at us this year, however with o...

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  932 Hits

November Newsletter 2020

November has been an incredibly fun and exciting month with many celebrations. We started off the month celebrating the centres 15th year anniversary of being open. The past 15 years have been full of wonderful stories and friendships. We look forward to another 15 and many more years in our beautiful community. Thank you to all our families who make our centre so beautiful. In honour of NAIDOC we...

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  922 Hits

October Newsletter 2020

It is the end of October already and we are starting to think of our Christmas celebrations and graduation. October was a busy month. The most significant celebration was Mymy's 60th birthday celebration. What a wonderful time we all had dancing at our party and especially sharing cake. Our November calendar is filling up very quickly. 15 YEAR CELEBRATION  On Tuesday 10th of November, we will...

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  927 Hits

September Newsletter 2020

 September is just about coming to a close and we are creeping closer to Christmas!! We have had a fun and exciting month. Our month began with the new menu change. Thank you to everyone who imputed ideas. The children are loving the different flavours and exciting menu items. Today they have enjoyed apple and cinnamon damper for afternoon tea. This has definitely been a hit with all the chil...

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August Newsletter 2020

August Newsletter 2020

 Can you believe it's nearly the end of august already? We have had a very busy month here at Little Darlings. All the staff and children had a wonderful week celebrating Christmas in July. Our cooking day was very successful with the children having great fun cooking different treats to celebrate Christmas in July. The disco was a great hit amongst all the children singing and dancing to our...

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  990 Hits

July Newsletter 2020

Where has the first half of the year gone? We have been very busy throughout July and cannot believe it is nearly over. We would like to extend a very warm welcome to all our new families and beautiful children in our centre. Thank you to everyone who is vigilant in using our hand sanitizer when entering our centre. Please remember to continue to social distance from staff and other parents during...

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June Newsletter 2020

Welcome to the June edition of our newsletter. With restrictions starting to ease, we have welcomed all of our beautiful children back as many parents return to work. Even though the restrictions are easing, we are all still being very vigilant about our cleaning and sanitising. We would ask parents to continue to not send their children to our centre if they are unwell. If your child has been sen...

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  980 Hits

May Newsletter

Office NurseryToddlersJunior KindySenior KindyPreschool It has certainly been a very different first half of the year, and thankyou to all the parents for everyone's understanding and support during this period. It is so wonderful to see so many of our beautiful children return this week, and we have even more returning next week. We are looking forward to everyone's return and cannot wait for the...

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  1142 Hits

April Newsletter

 What a different looking newsletter this month is compared to last month. We firstly would like to say a huge hello to all the beautiful children we have missed and hope you are all keeping healthy and we look forward to everyone returning safe and healthy soon. We would also like to say a huge thank you to the parents who have been so generous to our staff over the past few challenging week...

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  1250 Hits

March Newsletter 2020

Enter your text here ... From the office NurseryToddlersJunior KindySenior KindyPreschool What a crazy month we have just had. Firstly thank you to everyone for your ongoing support and encouragement daily. Our staff are working very hard and we can assure you that we doing our very best to ensure the health and safety of all the children at our centre. Thank you to all the parents who are&nb...

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  1197 Hits

February Newsletter

 Welcome to our February newsletter. Can you believe that the Easter eggs are already at Woolworths? Soon we will be planning our Easter bonnet parade. A special welcome to all the families who have started at Little Darlings. We extend a very warm welcome to you. Please make sure you accept the link sent from Educa, and you will be updated daily on your child's day as well as see important p...

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  1267 Hits

January Newsletter

​Welcome back to a wonderful new year full of exciting times, friendship and families here at Little darlings. We are all looking forward to what 2020 brings and so pleased to welcome all of our families back from last year and a huge welcome to all of our new families. It has been a busy start to the year with many children transitioning to  their new class rooms and everyone meeting their n...

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  1129 Hits

August newsletter

From the officeNurseryToddlersJunior kindySenior KindyPreschool We have had a very busy and exciting few weeks at kindy. The children have absolutely loved helping the staff create our vegetable and herb garden. The children helped dig the soil and plant the seedlings, and now the children are learning and watching the plants grow as they take care of them. Thank you to all the Fathers and special...

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  1509 Hits

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

 As 2018 comes to a close, I would like to thank all of our wonderful families for a fantastic year. It has been busy to say the least and we are all looking forward to what exciting things 2019 will bring. Thank you also to all the families who attended our end of year celebrations. Everyone had a wonderful time and we a so appreciative that so many of our families who were able to come and ...

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  1813 Hits

Little Darlings News

From the officeNurseryToddlersJunior KindySenior KindyPreschool We have had a very busy month here at little Darlings, and before you know it, it will be Christmas. We all had a wonderful time celebrating the Diwali Festival. Thank you very much to all the parents who came and supported this wonderful event. The children loved being involved in the play and the staff especially loved the dancing. ...

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  1382 Hits

Diwali Festival Celebration This Friday night

 ALL OUR FAMILIES HERE AT LITTLE DARLINGS ARE INVITED To come and celebrate the Diwali festival here at Little Darlings on Friday 12th October 2018. The Diwali festival is an Indian festival which symbolises the victory of light over darkness. We will have a special guest Roushini come and show us Bollywood dances and do a drama show for the children and families. Everyone is invited to come ...

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  1580 Hits

Spring is in the air

From the officeNurseryTodddlers​Junior KindySenior kindyPreschool  Spring is in the air and we are all very excited for the beautiful weather it brings. We have had a busy few months and we welcome all of our new families and friends. Our staff have also been very busy spring cleaning our centre and we are also very excited with the many exciting additions we have made to our centre. With the...

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  1455 Hits