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Footprints Sunnybank | August 2017 Newsletter

​​ From the Office: Dates to remember: ​August ​​September ​Wednesday 16th - Centre Closed EKKA Public Holiday ​Friday 1st - Father's Day Raffle drawn ​Friday 18th - Movie night Fundraiser (Centre's birthday celebration)​Thursday 7th - Pirate Dress Up Day​Thursday 24th - Centre's 8th Birthday​Thursday 7th - The Mystery of Turtle Island Pirate Show - Itty Bitty Starts 2:15pm  Staffing Update M...

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Footprints Sunnybank | Solar Power has come to Footprints

Solar Energy has arrived at Footprints ​Furthering Footprints' commitment to sustainability within the centre, we are pleased to announce we have gone solar.  We have recently installed a solar energy system and now the panels on our roof are collecting renewable energy from the sun. Did you know that modern society is extremely dependent on electricity generated by oil and coal, which both a...

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Footprints Sunnybank | July Newsletter 2017

Welcome to another edition of our newsletter, this month we will be hearing from the rooms and catching up with what they have been doing.  Dates to remember ​July 2017 ​ ​Monday 3rd - Friday 7th NAIDOC week activities ​Wednesday 26th ​​Parent Teacher Interviews (check your child's classroom door for appointment slots)​August 2017​​Wednesday 16thCentre Closed - EKKA show holiday​​​Friday...

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Footprints Sunnybank | Look what we have received.

Look what we have received ! To support our interest in learning about the environment and sustainability this month, we have received a wonderful delivery of things that is going to help us continue on with our learning journey. Check out the video. Exciting times ahead. Check out our video below ... Drag to move this block   Duplicate   Move   Remove 'You have the chance to plant ...

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Footprints Sunnybank | Newsletter June 2017

 From the Office: ​June 2017 ​ ​Thursday 15th​​Incursion with Revolution Learning​July 2017 ​​Monday 3rd - Friday 7th ​​NAIDOC Week - activities TBA​Wednesday 26th ​​Parent Teacher Interviews Welcome everyone ....  Hello and welcome to another edition of our monthly newsletter. A special big welcome to all of the new families that have joined our Footprints Family over the...

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Footprints Sunnybank | World Environment Day-Month

 This month we celebrate world environment day. The educators and children at Footprints will be looking at this over the month of June, extending this focus from just a one day  focus into an ongoing learning experience. ​Each room will have their own educational focus. Nursery will be planting plants in their own 'gardens'. Each child that is in the room will have a chance to experienc...

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  2030 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | Speech Assessment Screening Morning

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Footprints Sunnybank | Speech Assessment/Screening with Technically Speaking

 Speech Assessment/Screening with Technically Speaking  Footprints Sunnybank is hosting a speech assessment/screening opportunity for families on Tuesday 23rd May, 2017.  If you have any concerns about your child's speech, this is an ideal time to take advantage of the chance to have your child checked whilst here at the centre. Qualified Speech Therapist Leonie Robinson will be con...

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  1880 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | May 2017 Newsletter

From the Office:​

Dates to remember:

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Mother's Day activity morning and lunch

An invitation is extended to all the Mums and Grandmothers of Footprints Sunnybank. The educators and children at Footprints Sunnybank will be hosting a morning of activities and a lunch for all to enjoy.

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Footprints | April 2017 Newsletter

From the office

Hi and welcome to another edition of our Footprints Newsletter.

This month we are introducing something new to how we deliver our news to our families and the community. By uploading information onto our website and making information available to you more accessible. We will still continue to deliver the information through the other channels - however this is the quickest way to get the information direct. Please do let us know your thoughts.

Dates to Remember

April 2017

Date Event
Wednesday 12th
​Pie drive delivery
Thursday 13th
​Centre Easter Afternoon Tea 2:30pm
Friday 14th 
​Centre Closed - Good Friday Public Holiday
​​Monday 17th 
​Centre Closed - Easter Monday Public Holiday
Tuesday 18th ​Itty Bitty Stars Safety Show - $10 per child - 11:00am
​Tuesday 25th ​Centre Closed - Anzac Day Public Holiday

May 2017

Monday 1st
​Centre Closed - Labor Day Public Holiday
Friday 12th 
​Mother's morning  - activities and lunch 10am - 12pm

Opening and Closing of Doors

Watch below as Miss Alison shares with you all some handy hints when opening and closing doors here at the centre.

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Thursday 13 April | Footprints Sunnybank - Easter Afternoon Tea

Family and Friends of Footprints - Come join the staff and children for an Easter Afternoon tea this Thursday at 2:30 pm in the Junior Playground. Please bring a plate of food to share. Please remember no NUTS or EGG products please.​ We hope to see you here 

  1638 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank - Information Session - Gateway Therapies

Footprints Sunnybank will be hosting an information session for Parents with Teacher of the Deaf Melissa Homann and Occupational Therapist and Director of Gateway Therapies. 

Come along and see what therapies are available to you for your child and how we can help ?

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