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Footprints Sunnybank | September 2018 Newsletter

Hi Everyone and welcome to another edition of our newsletter. Firstly I would like to send a big welcome to all our new families who have started over the past month, it has been a busy enrolment period and wonderful to have more people come and join our Footprints Family - we love having you all here. Its time to hear from your child's class this month so please click on the tab below for your ch...

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  1567 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | Keeping up to date

 At Footprints Sunnybank, we like to keep our families in the loop as much as we can, as soon as we can. We have a Facebook page that is open to the general public, this is where we place updates about what is happening at the centre, a copy of our monthly newsletter and any important updates you need to be aware of. To keep up, please like our page Footprints Sunnybank Child Care Centre anyt...

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  1435 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | Fathers Afternoon

Footprints is hosting an afternoon for our Dad's to honour Father's Day coming up this weekend, here at the centre this Friday the 31st of August, 2018.  Starting at 2:30 pm, we will be hosting an afternoon tea and afternoon of fun and games.  Please bring a plate of food to share and a smile to have fun.  We hope to see you there. 

  1211 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | Griffith University Research Participation

Footprints is opening up our Senior Classrooms to a research program conducted by Griffith University. We are looking for parents from the Senior Kindy and Kindergarten rooms who are willing to allow their child to participate in this research. The research is in regards to children's early literacy skills, in particular Lower and Upper Case alphabet knowledge and sight words reading and the ...

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  1309 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | We have light

You have asked and we have listened. Footprints is pleased to advise that we have now installed new lighting in the front entrance for the car park, making your entrance in the early morning and evenings more visible.   The lights have been set, however we do ask for you to let us know if the positioning of the lighting when on, needs to be adjusted. (when the light goes on) We...

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  1285 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | August 2018 News

 Welcome to another month, they sure are flying by this year aren't they ?! We have been busy as usual here at the centre.  Can you believe that this month on the 17th, Footprints turns 9 years old.  Happy Birthday Footprints. Please remember that the centre will be closed on Wednesday 15th August for the EKKA show holiday. Are you going to join the crowds, or take advantage of...

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  1401 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | July 2018 Newsletter

  Happy New Financial Year to everyone.  From the Office:   From the Nursery:  Wow, what a big two months it has been. We have welcomed a few new friends, welcome Vera and Tangaroa and their families. With the start of July we said goodbye to Alexandra as she headed off up to the Toddler room, it has been a pleasure to watch and help you learn and grow while being in ...

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  1370 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | June 2018 Newsletter

From the Office:  Hi everyone, Welcome to another edition of our monthly newsletter. I hope everyone is rugging up and keeping warm. The cooler months are a reprieve from the severe heat we have been enduring, however a quick reminder must be made to advise that if your child presents symptoms of being unwell - e.g. fever, vomiting, not appearing to be their normal self.. They are best to be ...

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  1402 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | Reading Library

Footprints Sunnybank Reading Library  Take a book. Return a book. Donate a book.  The Family First Foundation encourages parents to have 'disruption-free time' of at least eight (8) minutes per day with each child.  There are many ways this can be achieved, e.g. eating a meal together, reading books together or having one on one discussions together. Footprints Sunnybank i...

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  1423 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | Child Care Subsidy Changes - Are you ready ?

 It is not long now until the CCS (Child Care Subsidy) replaces the CCB (Child Care Benefit) and CCR (Child Care Rebate). Are you ready? ALL families need to update their details, if no action is taken you will miss out on the Centrelink assistance for child care, the length of time for it to be reinstated would be unknown, please follow the information below as soon as possible to avoid miss...

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  1345 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | May 2018 News

May 2018 Newsletter ​May 2018 ​June 2018 ​Friday 11th - Mother's Day Afternoon Tea ​Tuesday 5th - World Environment Day - Activities TBA ​Thursday 24th - Superheroes and Villains Dress up Day​Friday 22nd - Movie Night Fundraiser Dates to remember:  From the Office Welcome to another edition of our newsletter. This month we will hear from the rooms but firstly I just want to share a couple of ...

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  1517 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | Proud Announcement

WE ACHIEVED - MEETING  NATIONAL QUALITY STANDARDS  Footprints Sunnybank has received it's final report from the recent assessment and rating  that was undertaken at the centre (13 & 14 March, 2018)  and are pleased to share with you all that the centre has received a rating of Meeting National Quality Standards. I am sure you will join with me in congrat...

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  1880 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | Mother's Afternoon

 We love our Mums ! So much so that we are inviting all our Footprints Mothers and Grandmothers to our Mother's afternoon event.  This will be held here at the centre on Friday the 11th of May and begin at 2:30 pm. Afternoon tea will be provided. Mother's Day Raffle will be drawn at this event.  Come along and spend an afternoon with us being kids.

  1469 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | Two week's free child care incentive

       Please find the  Terms and Conditions for this promotion for both new and current families here.  Don't forget to mention this advertisement when wanting to take advantage of this offer ! Please feel free to share this post. We look forward to hearing from you soon. If you have any further questions please feel free to call Centre Manager Glenda on 07 3423...

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  1784 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | Anzac Day

 ANZAC Day Remembrances ​The importance of the ANZACs and why we take time to remember them is proudly taught by the educators at Footprints. Activities were planned for in the weekly curriculum to assist with the education and learning of ANZAC Two of our classes (Nursery and Kindergarten) held ANZAC ceremonies. To see more photos and videos of the two ceremonies, please head ...

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  1325 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | April 2018 News

DATES TO REMEMBER: ​APRIL ​MAY THURSDAY 12th APRIL - 2:30pm - Commonwealth Games Incursion/Show ​MONDAY 7th MAY - Centre Closed - Labour Day Public Holiday ​WEDNESDAY 25th APRIL - Centre Closed - Anzac Day Public HolidayWEDNESDAY 9th MAY - Mothers Day Morning - Further Details to be announced closer to the date​WEDNESDAY 9th MAY - Mothers Day Raffle drawn​​TUESDAY 15th MAY - Interna...

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  1409 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | March News

 Dates to Remember: ​March 2018  ​April 2018 ​Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th - Assessment and Rating ​Monday 2nd - Centre Closed - Public Holiday Tuesday 20th - Police Visit (Community Links - for Neighbour Day 25.03.18)Monday 23rd - Earth Day Obserance (for 22.04.18) -activities TBA​Tuesday 27th - Junior Side Easter Afternoon Tea  (Nursery, Toddlers and Junior Kindy)​​Wednesday 25...

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  2804 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank|February 2018 Newsletter

Welcome everyone  - Happy February to all. ​This is our first edition of our centre newsletter for 2018. We have had a busy past few months as I am sure is the same for you all too. We hope everyone is now settling down into their new routines and the year is starting to slow down a bit for all to enjoy. Dates to remember: Wednesday 14th February, 2018 - Come dressed in RED to share the ...

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  1648 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | October 2017 Newsletter

October 2017 - Footprints News  Welcome to another month here at Footprints. The past month has seen our numbers growing, it has been exciting to see the new faces come and join our Footprints Family. I hope you are all settling in well and please remember if there is anything we can do to make your time here more comfortable, please let me or the other Educators know. Firstly we would like t...

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  1484 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | Newsletter September 2017

​From the Office: Hi everyone, normally I don't do a segment from the office in the newsletter when the classes do theirs, but we have had a very exciting month here at Footprints and I just wanted to share with you all some of what has been happening. Firstly at the end of July, we were fortunate to host a child care industry expert, Caroline Fewster to come to our centre and give us industry fee...

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  1958 Hits