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Footprints Sunnybank | January 2020 Newsletter

Hello everyone and Happy New Year !  Welcome to the beginning of another exciting year here at Footprints.  The first exciting thing that is happening at the centre this year/month is the renovation of the Junior and Nursery Playgrounds. Stay posted for updates. We cannot wait to see the end result.   Classes for 2020  The new classes for 2020 will begin on  Tuesday 2...

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  1189 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | December 2019 Newsletter

Dates of importance to remember over the upcoming holiday period: * TUESDAY 24th DECEMBER - the centre will close at 6 pm as Christmas Eve is now a part public holiday. Please make arrangements to ensure your children are picked up prior to this changed close time.  * WEDNESDAY 25th DECEMBER - the centre is closed - Christmas Day Public Holiday * THURSDAY 26th DECEMBER - the centre is closed ...

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  1215 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | November 2019 News

​*Please remember to see our full newsletter you need to click on this post to open it up in full* Hello and welcome November ! Can you believe that it is only another 7 more weeks now until Christmas. We have had such a busy and exciting month here at the centre - the biggest excitement for us all has been the new Senior Playground, we are so happy with our new play space and enjoying every momen...

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  1367 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | October 2019 News

From the Office:  Hi Everyone, Welcome to the October edition of our newsletter. Firstly I want to say a very big thank you for your patience during the construction of the new playground. I hope that having the interim playground routine on display throughout the centre has helped you to know where your child should be in the mornings and afternoons. We can see the work progressing each day ...

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  1285 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | September 2019 Newsletter

From the office: IMPORTANT ! Please read !  Hi everyone, this months newsletter edition will be from the classrooms, however before reading on ... I need to stress the importance to families to ensure that they are closing the front door, making sure it is shut. This is for the safety of all the children in the centre. Please also encourage your children to not push or pull on the door a...

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  1330 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | Recycle bread bags program

We are collecting bread bags ...   Lets work together on recycling. We are now going to be collecting bread bags and recycling them, for soiled and wet items, to go home purposes - we would love it if you could assist us by donating your unwanted bread bags. Please dont throw them in the bin - bring them to us :-) We will have a box where you can drop these bread bags into - th...

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  1348 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | August Newsletter

Footprints turns 10 !  Welcome to our August 2019 edition of our newsletter. This month the centre turns 10. What a wonderful milestone to see happening.  The centre is hosting a birthday party Friday 16th of August for ALL past and present families. We hope to see you all here.  The planned schedule of events is as follows: 3:30pm - 6:00pmJumping castle fun 4:30pmPresentation &...

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  1439 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | Is turning 10 !

Footprints Sunnybank first opened its doors 10 years ago this month, we are excited to invite past and present families to come and help us celebrate this wonderful milestone. ​Time ​​Friday 16th August 2019  3:30 pm - 7:00 pm ​Location Footprints Sunnybank CCC - 357 Beenleigh Road, Sunnybank  ​Tickets - Free, but please register using link provided for catering purposeshttps://www.event...

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  1417 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | July 2019 News

 Dates to remember: Monday 8th July - Friday 12th July  ​​Naidoc Week activities ​Thursday 11th July  ​​Naidoc Show with Showtime Stars ​Friday 19th July Pyjama day - supporting kids in foster care Tuesday 23rd and Thursday 25th July​​​Class and Individual Photos​​​Wednesday 14th August​Centre Closed - Ekka Show Holiday​Friday 16th August - SAVE THE DATE ​Centre's 10t...

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  1544 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | Class photos 2019

 SMILE !  Footprints Sunnybank Class photos for 2019 are coming up. We will be having the sessions on Tuesday 23rd and Thursday 25th July in the mornings. There will also be individual portraits taken and sibling photo opportunities as well. Order/payment envelopes will be available soon in your family pockets so please keep an eye out and ensure envelope with order and payments is retur...

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  1102 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | June 2019 Newsletter

From the Office:   Welcome to the June edition of our newsletter - the half way point of the year, can you believe we are already here. Time certainly does fly doesn't it. Firstly, I would like to remind families that we have a few new policies/procedures and I have been posting them up each week near the sign in and out kiosks for you to have a read of. As always, if you have ...

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  1300 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | Enrolment Incentive for our current families

 Enrolment Incentive - Free Child Care *conditions apply  As we are beginning a new year, the demand for child care places is high, especially once the school year begins and families begin to find a routine again. It is with this in mind that we would like to encourage our existing families to share an enrolment incentive with their friends, family and associates. For each family you in...

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  1177 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | 2019

 Happy New Year ! Happy new year ! Well 2019 has arrived and we are in the full swing of things already. Next week from Tuesday 29th January, the children will be moving into their new classrooms. Before they do this though, we will be bidding a very proud farewell  to our graduating class of 2018. We cannot believe that time has come for you all to attend Prep. What a jou...

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  1180 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | Kindergarten class of 2018 Graduation

We will be hosting a graduation event for our 2018 Kindergarten class on Friday 25th of January, 2019.

From 5:00pm - 6:00pm.

RSVP - email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Monday 21st of January, 2019.

Please check your family pockets for your formal invitation.

We look forward to celebrating with you all.

Footprints Sunnybank Child Care Centre

Glenda Ellis

  1369 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | December 2018 news

​It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas .... ​It is now that time of year, where we share our last newsletter of the year with you all. What a wonderful 2018 we have all shared together. We have welcomed so many new families into our Footprints family and look forward to sharing many more memories with you all in 2019.  To our graduates, we wish you all the very best in your new adventur...

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  1154 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | Selfie with the centre Elfie Competition

Photo competition -  Selfie with the centre Elfie, you have to be in it to win it !   Take a selfie with our Elfie How to participate: - find Elfie in his hiding place - without moving him take a selfie - upload to your own Facebook page and tag FOOTPRINTS PARENTS. Each location you find Elfie and upload (and tag) a selfie will give you an entry into the draw to win a mystery p...

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  1180 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | November News

Hi everyone and welcome to another edition of our centre newsletter. This month you will be hearing from the classes, before we begin with their news I would like to remind everyone that our Centre Christmas party will be held on Friday the 7th of December from 3:30pm. More information will be released in your family pockets and on Facebook next week, so please keep a look out for this information...

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  1392 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | October News

Dates to remember - upcoming events: Thursday 18th October 10:30am - Itty Bitty Stars 'Pixel Town Road & Traffic Safety Show', see your family pockets for more info.  Wednesday 31st October - Halloween Dress Up day Tuesday 6th of November - Kindergarten graduation and Christmas photo shoot, payment envelopes are in your family pockets for payment and order. Payments must be received by Mo...

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  1328 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | 2019 Re-Enrolment

 It's that time of year where we have to begin to organise our class lists for 2019. Each year at this time, we provide families with a re-enrolment form for the following year. Please fill this form out and return back to the centre ASAP to secure your booking and preferred days required for 2019 by Friday October 26th, 2018. After this date, we will be contacting families on the waiting lis...

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  1168 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | 1 World Charity Association

Footprints Sunnybank is pleased to be able to allow 1-World Charity Shops place a collection bin inside our centre to collect items that anyone in the Footprints Family no longer wish to have and would like to donate them for further use in a good cause. '1-World is a local charity making a difference both locally and overseas through our recycling programs. 1-World are advocates for pro...

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  1814 Hits