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 Hi Everyone, I hope you are all keeping safe and well ? Firstly, here are some upcoming dates for you to be aware of: Dates to remember:  Date Event Friday 23rd JulyPyjama DayWednesday 4th AugustNational ATSI Day, celebrate your cultureWednesday 11th AugustCentre CLOSED - Ekka Public HolidayThursday 26th and Friday 27th AugustCentre Class/Individual photos will be taken (informatio...

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  987 Hits


 Welcome to another edition of our newsletter. A BIG welcome to all our new families that have started over the last month, we are so excited to have you all join our Footprints family. We hope you enjoy being a part of our centre as much as we do ❤ Dates to remember:  Dates Event 4-11 July 2021 NAIDOC week, each class will celebrate with a variety of activities Thursday 8th July Sh...

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  1714 Hits


Hello and welcome  Hi everyone and welcome to another edition of our newsletter. What a month, getting through all the public holidays was hard work wasn't it 🤣  Now its back to the normal Monday - Friday for a bit now. Routines are back in place, yay. Firstly I want to say a big welcome to the new families who have joined us since our last newsletter. We are excited to have you all as p...

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  998 Hits


Hello 😀 Hi Everyone, Hope the past few weeks has been treating everyone kindly ?  It has been a busy month that's for sure, what with Easter, School holidays, public holidays, its hard to remember what day it is and when to come isn't it ? We have one more public holiday for now and things can settle back down a little again. Please remember if your child is going to be absent to give th...

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  956 Hits


MARCH 2021 NEWS ....   Hi everyone, Another busy month has come to pass us by, time flies when you are having fun sure is correct. This past month at Footprints, we have welcomed 3 new educators as our Footprints family is ever growing. We have welcomed -  Miss Donna who is our Nursery Lead Educator, Miss Helina and Miss Song who are float educators. If you haven't already...

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  1148 Hits


Hello and welcome all to another edition of our newsletter.  Welcome back to our newsletter for February. The months are going way too fast, can you believe month two of 2021 is almost done ?!  I would like to say a very big welcome to all our new families that have started over the last few weeks, and some more new families will be starting with us in the next few weeks. We just love se...

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  1032 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | January 2021 News

Hi Everyone and welcome to 2021. What an exciting year we have had already ! Firstly a big welcome to all our new families that have started with us over the December and January period so far, we hope you are all enjoying being a part of our Footprints Family and we just love having you all here.  New class lists -  New class lists for 2021 will be on display in the front foyer as ...

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  1052 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | November 2020 newsletter

 Upcoming dates to remember: Friday 11th December 2020 - Children's Christmas celebration - TBA Friday 22nd January 2021 - Kindergarten Graduation Friday 25th December 2020 - CENTRE CLOSED - Public Holiday Tuesday 26th January 2021 - CENTRE CLOSED - Public Holiday Monday 28th December 2020 - CENTRE CLOSED - Public HolidayFriday 1st January 2021 - CENTRE CLOSED - Public Holiday Friendly remind...

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  972 Hits

FOO | October 2020 News

 Hi Everyone and welcome to our newsletter for October 2020. Can you believe though we are actually in October, blink and Christmas will be here. I know many people will be happy to see the end of 2020, however - where has this year gone ?! Firstly I would like to wish Miss Rupa all the best as she will be finishing up Friday (30th October, 2020) and going on maternity leave, returning s...

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  1084 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | September 2020 News

News from the office:  Firstly I would like to say a big welcome to all our new families and children that have started, the centre is feeling vibrant and busy which is fantastic to see. I hope you are all feeling welcome and settled. Please remember, if you have any issues or concerns please do let us know, we are here to help. CARPARK - A friendly reminder to parents to be safe in the car p...

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  1084 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | August 2020 News

 Hi everyone and welcome back to another edition of our newsletter. I hope everyone is keeping well and safe. IMPORTANT - A reminder that the centre will be closed on Friday 14th of August 2020 for the EKKA Public Holiday. GENERAL NEWS: This month sees the centre turning 11. Happy Birthday to Footprints. It has been an exciting past year since our last birthday, we have seen all our play...

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  1155 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | July 2020 News

July 2020 News  No Pay - No Stay Hi Everyone, I hope you are all managing to keep warm, safe and well during these cold bits we have had of late ?? Last week saw the reintroduction of CCS and family payments on accounts. I just wanted to take a quick minute to remind you the importance of ensuring your account is up to date at all times, as per your enrolment agreement. Statements are emailed...

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  1091 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | June 2020 News

Welcome   Hi everyone and welcome to another month's newsletter. We have had a busy last few weeks with families returning after their COVID-19 breaks as well as happily welcoming many new families. We are excited to see the centre looking busy again. Welcome to all our new families and we hope you enjoy your time here at Footprints. Payments resuming  As you would be aware by now, ...

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  2272 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | Mail a hug campaign update

 While it took some time to get things together, we finally got to send our mail a hugs out today to some very lucky recipients. We hope they enjoy their surprise when they receive them and hope they send a photo of themselves to us with their hugs. It has been a great process for the children to be involved in, from wishing to participate, to choosing who they wished to send their hug to, to...

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  1280 Hits


 A message from the Office, Hi everyone and welcome to our May 2020 newsletter.  Firstly I want to say a BIG welcome to all our new families that have started with us over the past couple of weeks, it is been really heart-warming for the Footprints educators to be able to welcome new children and families to our Footprints Family. With the whole COVID-19 situation occurring, we...

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  1215 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | Mail a hug campaign

MAIL A HUG CAMPAIGN        Are you missing someone? Can't see them to hug them? Why not post them a hug. It is a hard concept for the children to understand, why can't I see my grandparents? What about my friends? In order to help them through this, we would like to share their love through posting a hug to their love ones to get them through until they can see each other again...

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  1222 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | April 2020 Newsletter

 Hi Everyone and welcome back to another edition of our newsletter. I hope that everyone is keeping well and safe?  Firstly for our families that are still at home, we have a special message from all of us here at Footprints, please click on the link below to see the message ......  YouTube Enter some description here... COVID-19:  As you know,...

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  1137 Hits

ANZAC Day 2020 | Footprints Sunnybank Child Care Centre

 Dear Families, ANZAC Day 2020 is going to look very different this year, as we cannot gather together as a community and country to honour our men and women who have served and continue to serve our country. Instead many of us are adopting the Driveway Dawn Service. (From 6 am on ANZAC Day RSL QLD will be streaming a live short commemorative service, comprising The Ode, The Last Post, a minu...

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  1411 Hits

FOOTPRINTS SUNNYBANK | March 2020 Newsletter

March 2020 News  Important news from the office: COVID-19 and how this affects care   Hi everyone, during this time of great uncertainty as we work day by day, hour by hour I want to reassure you we are doing the very best we can to ensure the health and safety of all at our service. We are remaining open and everything is operating. The things that may change from day to day are th...

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  1727 Hits

Footprints Sunnybank | February 2020 Newsletter

 February 2020 Newsletter   From the office:  Since it's the beginning of a new year I would like to take this opportunity to remind our families that accounts are to be 0.00 balance each and every week. We are currently noticing that some families are not meeting this enrolment agreement and now, as a result, have had to implement a new policy. I am receiving a report every day fro...

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  1356 Hits