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May Newsletter

 Welcome to all our new families who have recently joined us at Doolandella ELC.  Learning Areas Outdoors During a team building day, Educators have created new learning areas outside their classrooms. These outdoor spaces have open-ended resources to help children to think creatively as well as promoting competence and independent exploration and ...

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  885 Hits

April Newsletter

Hello Families and Friends, it's lovely to see you and the children settling in well to the Service. Please feel free to speak to the office staff or your child's room Educators / Teacher if you have any questions about the routine, program or anything else you may need. Room Transitions Coming up on the 8th of May we are having our class move throughs for children who have reached the a...

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  758 Hits

March Newsletter

Welcome to all our new families who have recently joined us at Doolandella ELC.  Photos Don't forget to order your photo's using the QR Code or manual link Orders Due Ordering and proofing will be available until Sunday 19th March at 11pm.  (Late orders will have a postage/handling fee applied $10.00). Printing Editing/Printing Monday 20th March – Friday 24th March...

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  656 Hits

February Newsletter

 Welcome to all our new families who have recently joined us at Doolandella ELC. Photo Day Our professional photographer will be at the Service Tuesday 28th February, Wednesday 1st March and Thursday 2nd March taking individual and class photos. Your child has been allocated to one of these days. To see what day they have been allocated too, please see the photo day run sheet outside you...

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  750 Hits

January Newsletter

Welcome to all our families for 2023! All the staff would like to extend their heartfelt thanks for all the gifts and goodies given to them this past holiday season. We hope your family had a wonderful holiday. We are looking forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure our children can achieve their highest potential. We know a strong partnership with you will make a significant differe...

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  733 Hits

December Newsletter

Our year has come to an end with Christmas next week. We would like to thank our families for supporting Doolandella Early Learning Centre throughout 2022.   Holiday Forms If you are planning on taking holidays over the December / January period, please see Renae or Gayna in the office to complete a Holiday Form. Christmas Portraits If you ordered and paid for Christmas portraits taken last m...

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  679 Hits

November Newsletter

Welcome to all our new families who have recently joined us at Doolandella ELC. XAP Thank you to all our families who have been patient with us whilst the new XAP system has been rolled out. Remember you can update your family and child information or pay your account either using the web portal at or the guardian smile app.  Please remember to sign your...

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  810 Hits

October Newsletter

Welcome to all our new families who have recently joined us at Doolandella ELC. Xap @media print { .ms-editor-squiggler { display:none !important; } } .ms-editor-squiggler { all: initial; display: block !important; height: 0px !important; width: 0px !important; } @media print { .ms-editor-squiggler { display:none !important; } } .ms-editor-squiggler { all: initial; display: block !important; heigh...

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  741 Hits

September Newsletter

Welcome to another month of news and to our families who have recently joined us at Doolandella ELC. Dentist Visit The Fun Smiles dental team will be visiting the service on Thursday 29th & Friday 30th September to conduct 6 monthly health checks on the children. These visits have been prearranged with families who recently completed permission and medical forms. Children will be seen individu...

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  687 Hits

August Newsletter

Welcome to all the new children and families who recently started at the Centre, we hope you are settling in well. If you have any questions, please see Renae or Gayna in the office or speak with your child's room educators. We are always happy to help! Centre Birthday  Our Centre Birthday is next Thursday the 18th of August and we have been operating for 8 years. To celebrate this occasion, ...

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  972 Hits

July Newsletter

Welcome to another month of news and to our families who have recently joined us at Doolandella ELC. Show Bags Show bags are on sale again this year. Order forms have been placed in your child's bag. Additional order forms are available in the office. Please return the forms with the money to the office by Friday 5th August.  Pyjama Day We are celebrating Pyjama Day on Friday 22nd July. Pyjam...

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  710 Hits

June Newsletter

Welcome to another month of news and to our families who have recently joined us at Doolandella ELC. Book Library – Take a book & leave a book The Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) recent data showed children within this area are developmentally vulnerable in the areas of language and cognitive skills. As a result, we thought we would provide our families and community with a boo...

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  742 Hits

May Newsletter

Welcome to another month of news and to our families who have recently joined us at Doolandella ELC. Higher CCS Subsidy From 7 March 2022, families with more than one child aged 5 or younger in care may have received a higher subsidy for some children. The 'standard rate child' is usually your CCS eldest eligible child, aged 5 or under. For this child, you'll continue to receive the standard CCS r...

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  712 Hits

April Newsletter

Welcome to another month of news and to our families who have recently joined us Doolandella ELC. Easter Parade The children have been busy creating Easter Bonnets for this week's Easter Parade on Thursday 14th at 10.00am. Families are welcome to attend. Easter raffles will be drawn the same day after the parade at 10.30am. Room Changes Room changes for some children will take effect from Tuesday ...

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  651 Hits

March Newsletter

Hello and welcome to another month of news! Children's Photos Proofing is now activated for child's photographs. Use this manual link: to view and purchase. QR CODE is also available on EDUCA and next to the Kiosk tablets. Ordering and proofing will be available until Tuesday 22nd March. After this time links and QR code will no longer work. Editing/Printing Tuesday 22...

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  797 Hits

February Newsletter

Welcome to our new families who have recently started with us. Class Photos Our professional photographer will be at the Service Tuesday 1st March, Wednesday 2nd March & Thursday 3rd March to take Children's Kindy/Class photos. Photo run sheets have been displayed outside your child's class allocating the day your child will be photographed. Please ensure you dress them in the clothes that you...

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  733 Hits

January Newsletter

Welcome to all our families for 2022.  I would like to thank our families for their on going support through the COVID-19 pandemic and for following our procedures when it comes to keeping everyone safe. As people in our community continue to be subject to contracting the COVID-19 virus, we are continuing to be proactive in our approach to minimising the effect it has on D...

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  845 Hits

December Newsletter

Our year has come to an end with less than 2 week till Christmas. I would like to thank our families for supporting Doolandella Early Learning Centre throughout 2021. Holiday Forms If you are planning on taking holidays over the December / January period, please see Renae or Gayna in the office to complete a Holiday Form. Terminations If you are terminating your child's enrolment for overseas...

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  811 Hits

November Newsletter

Welcome to our new families who have recently started with us. We are in our busiest time of the year with only 7 weeks to Christmas.  With the renovations taking shape and nearly complete in Junior Playground, the Kindergarten children have been busy planting vegetables in the new garden beds. This experience provides them with opportunities to continue their learning of plant life...

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  778 Hits

October Newsletter

Welcome to all our new families who have recently joined us at Doolandella ELC.  The weather is warming up and the children have been taking advantage of the new playground water features. Please remember to dress your child appropriately. We have a 'no hat no play' policy so please ensure your child has a hat daily so they can continue to participate in outdoor play activities. 2022 Re-...

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  884 Hits