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Welcome to June!

It's our 23rd Birthday.

 Welcome to June, already! Dear parents from 2nd July 2018, there will be a New Child Care Package. The package will help parents with children aged 0 – 13 work, train, study and volunteer. The Package includes a new child care subsidy, which replaces the current Child Care Benefit and Child Care Rebate. It will be paid directly to the service. Transitioning to the new Child Care Subsidy is n...

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  1298 Hits

Welcome to May.

Beattie Road Early Childhood Education Centre .

 Hello Parents, We survived the Commonwealth Games, a huge thank you to all our parents for your patience during this time. The impact on the centre was minimal which was great to see.As winter is approaching please ensure that you pack some warmer clothes for your child for the early mornings and late afternoons. It is with a sad heart that we say goodbye to Chase and Elijah from our toddler...

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  1286 Hits

The Games are Here!

April Newsletter.

​The Office Well The Commonwealth games are upon us. The coast is certainly reeling with excitement! Beattie Road is closed through the Games period and leading up to it . You will be able to access the centre via Foxwell Road or Lorenzo Drive. For further updates please go to GC2018 and download the app. The centre will operate as usual. We are renting out car spaces in our car park for $ 20.00 a...

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  1529 Hits

Commonwealth Games, Bring it on !

Welcome to the March newsletter for 2018. I would also like to welcome the new families in our centre. I hope that your experience with us is a positive one. If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to talk to me. Commonwealth Games The buss around town is the Commonwealth Games which are starting  on 04/04/2018. The main road closure that concerns us is Beattie Road which will be...

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  1622 Hits

February Newsletter 2018

Welcome to a new year. I hope you all had a great New Year break. This year the rooms are as follows:Miss Alana babies' room Mr Rob -toddler's room Miss Carol - kindy room Miss Donna & Miss Tracey --- Prep- room The kindergarten programme will be run on Wednesday and Thursday. Miss Donna and I will be in the room on the kindergarten programme days. There are subsidies available for those famil...

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  1847 Hits

Welcome to November

November newsletter.2017 Well it's that time of the year again when we are getting ready for that special visit from the Jolly fellow himself. Due to the early close of the school year this year we are celebrating our Christmas activities in November. Events Dates 9th November is Purple day. This is a gold coin donation which will go to Sarcoma bone cancer research. The day will include purple col...

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  1396 Hits

Welcome to September

Hello to everyone. We have had a busy month this month. The children enjoyed a disco which consisted of a mirror ball and disco music. It was great to see the staff and children dressed in Disco gear. I would like to welcome our new families, and welcome back Matthew who has been in Hawaii. You should all have received your photos by now. I am sure you will agree that once again Andrew has done a ...

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  1410 Hits

August Newsletter 2017

Welcome to the August newsletter.A big hello to all of our new families we hope you enjoy your time with us.We have been trailing the provision of morning and afternoon tea over the last few weeks. We are ironing out a few little hurdles, but all and all it's been going well. If you have any feedback for us we would love to hear it.As the weather is getting warmer (winter never visits us for long ...

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  1493 Hits

March 2017 - Beattie Road

​Welcome to another Beattie Road newsletter. Thank you to all the parents who donated to the 'Shave for a cure' we raised $32.00 which will go to help find a cure for blood cancer. We have recently purchased a new trampoline for the 'big' yard and a smaller one for the babies' yard which I'm sure the babies will love. As the weather is getting cooler (well supposed to be) can you please provide wa...

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  2398 Hits