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Little Darlings newsletter

From the OfficeNurseryToddlersJunior KindySenior KindyPreschool A big hello from the office. We have been very busy this month at Little Darlings. We have a new race track in our back playground. The children have loved using it, and of course been very imaginative. Today Rebecca and Elsie used the shape of the track as an aeroplane and played a wonderful game together.  We are having an ente...

  1724 Hits

Welcome to our new families

 FROM THE OFFICE The year is flying by so quickly with Easter coming around the corner very quickly. We would love to welcome our new families to the centre and hope you have settled in well. Please feel free to ask the office or any of our staff for assistance if you need any. Our meal times are very successful. The children are enjoying our dining area and also enjoying the new tastes they ...

  1457 Hits

Merry Christmas

Can you believe it is Christmas already? Where has the year gone?  We have had a fantastic year sharing so many special times with many of our children and families. Little Darlings is very excited to announce that from the 1st of January we will be providing nappies for all the children in the Nursery and Toddlers rooms. We are also very excited to be announcing that form the 22nd of January...

  1459 Hits

November Newsletter

A huge thank you to everybody who supported us with our family fun day. Thank you to everyone who volunteered with set up and helping out on the day. It was a huge success and the children and families all had a great day. Johnny the Jester was a big hit with all the children and families. Thank you very much Johnny for such an awesome show. The children absolutely loved it. We are having our fami...

  1300 Hits

August Newsletter

Firstly a huge welcome to all of our new families. We are very much looking forward to getting to know you all. We have had some very exciting additions to our centre over the last month. The children are enjoying our new garden beds. Some of the children loved planting the seedlings, and each day many of the children enjoy watering them. We have some carrots and tomatoes, as well as basil, oregan...

  1796 Hits