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Footprints News - February 2023

Hi Everyone,

Can you believe that 2023 is going past us so quickly already, as I type this it is the February newsletter but its the 1st of March, wow !


We have had a busy start to the year - getting our new classes settled, working our way through XAP, introducing more access to parents and seeing daily information about their child/ren via XAP (EDUCA is now no longer where things are shared). This way everything is via one place - XAP. I hope that XAP is beginning to be more user friendly for all, please feel free to share feedback on the system anytime, so we are aware of any issues or positive things you find with this new program. We appreciate all and any feedback. 

Please remember that if your child is going to be away you can mark them away via the app, when you do this, it means we are aware that your child is going to be away and don't need to bother you with a phone call to check if your child will be in. Thank you to those families that use this feature already - it is really handy when you do this, especially if a family needs a last minute extra day, it helps us to be able to say we can get them in.

Thank you for your patience as we are down to one kiosk pad, we are waiting on the delivery and then set up of new pads, fingers crossed they will be with us soon.


We still have some vacancies within the centre (limited) and I want to remind you of the special promotion we have for current families - if you recommend another family to the centre and they enrol, 6 weeks after they have been here, you and they will receive 2 weeks free. It is just our way to say thank you to our families for sharing the love and letting others know about us and helping our footprints family to grow. You know what they say - the more the merrier 😊 


We will be celebrating Holi on Friday 10th March. Please send your child in clothes you don't mind getting colours on them and please white or light coloured so that the colour powder will show. We always have a great time celebrating this together as a centre - sharing the love as that is what Holi is all about. Spreading the love, the festival of love and colour. 

Till next month,

With a smile 😊